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Beastman Commander Viral

Beastman Commander Viral's avatar

Birthday: 10/02


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Und Wir Konnen Helden, Du Ennon Tag
And we can be heroes, just for one day, my favorite line from one of my favorite songs, both in English and in German. My name is Haley, I am 16 years old, I'm obsessed with David Bowie, Hellsing, and I'm totally anti-Twilight. I love to draw and write, and no matter how bad you say I am, if I feel like singing, I'm gonna sing. Get used to it. I love colors even though Idress in black, I carry around dolls and stuffed toys, I do alot of things a normal person usually wouldn't do, then again, I'm not quite normal, am I? I live by the term "Insanity is Bliss." I have been called loud, annoying, emo, weird, hyper, and dumb. While I am loud, annoying, hyper and extremely odd, I am far from emo and dumb, though I do act reeeeeeeallllllyy stupid most of the time. I love my friends, I love my family, and if you get to know me, I will love you too. Unless your a total nooby twitard. I don't mind mild twitard, just not the all vampires sparkle kind of twitard...or the kind that have those two Jacob or Edward characters all over their pages....Bleh....May BLARGHY have mercy on you all..

Now for the fun Stuff:
Stuff I drew:
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My two "brothers":
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My puppy tuxie:

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Random Pics:
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I know, I'm a sap when it comes to this kind of thing:
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My Hero:
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methuselah.alchemist Report | 03/14/2010 8:02 pm
lol! It's okay. ^-^ (Just keep swiming, just keep swimming~)
methuselah.alchemist Report | 03/14/2010 7:29 pm
Ummm... the nice comment? XD
methuselah.alchemist Report | 03/14/2010 6:19 pm
Thank you very much!! ^-^



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Beastman Commander Viral

I'm gunna break your balls, Ziggy Stardust! Me and my band of space flies!!!

You summoned the Goblin king to take your brothers! How irresponsible!

I'm sorry Lord Bowie! Please dont be mad at me no more!

You Know I'm bloody sexy. You should be jealous.