If you are curious
My name is Valerie.
This is my 3rd gaia character.
My first 2 accounts got hacked/banned.
I started the first one back in 2003.
I like playing ZOMG.
Jigsaw puzzles on Gaia are the best.
I am very opinionated.
I can easily help others with problem but never can help myself.
I love anime.
I love video games.
Music is my life.
Team Edward.
Team Gaara.
I wear mens Axe deodorant.
I tend to date people whom I think I can fix.
I am accident-proned to the 10th degree. I get hurt at-least once a day.
I'm a furry.
I can play any instrument I pick up.
I love the colour green.
I love German and Japanese language, men, music and their style.
I drive a 1975 Volvo 164.
I still buy/collect CDs. I have over 200.
I have/love tattoos and piercings.
I smoke.
I have an addictive personality.
I have been diagnosed with bi-polar, depression, anxiety and A.D.D.
I know tons of things about computers, video games, and other electronics.
I work at Home Depot
gaia_nitemareleft The songs of the dead are the lamentations of the living
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