
Tudae 's avatar

Registered: 09/06/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/24


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User Image thanks stardrops <3

User Image<333 her


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monkeyzoo7 Report | 10/08/2011 10:06 am
gaia_angelleft gaia_angelright
monkeyzoo7 Report | 04/30/2011 1:01 pm
Kimi Who Report | 02/14/2011 8:22 pm
Kimi Who
wow you have the same birthday as my mom heart
Kimi Who Report | 02/06/2011 4:58 pm
Kimi Who
it's ok. Gaia does that to me too! D:
I don't know why I ranted about my dog. bahaha.

you know what, I'm sending you something over, just to have a looky at it! :whee heart :
Kimi Who Report | 02/03/2011 8:47 pm
Kimi Who
awwwh I wasn't meaning now. was actually going to stalk till you opened another shop.
If I get unlazy, I may send you something nicely organized though and let you tinker with it. 4laugh

I wants a puppy. actually I want my dad's do soooo much. I don't know what kind of dog she is but she's about a foot tall and a foot and a half long. two years old. black and white. NO IDEA what breed she is either. but I love her to death. and want to take her with me where ever I end up. n_n
Kimi Who Report | 02/03/2011 8:41 pm
Kimi Who
awwwh what kind of puppy?
and thank you! I love all of my art. 4laugh
yours is still one of my favorites. hope to be able to commission you for some couple art one day! wink wink. heart
Kimi Who Report | 02/03/2011 8:38 pm
Kimi Who
really good, really happy that my hubby is coming heeeere! rofl
whats been going on with you?
Kimi Who Report | 01/28/2011 5:53 pm
Kimi Who
how are you lady?!
AENDRl Report | 01/02/2011 5:25 pm
Yes XD
AENDRl Report | 01/02/2011 5:19 pm
some more japanese and chinese, probably the other math class I need.. When i finally got around to being approved to register, it was already too late to register for other classes, like usual.. I'm so bad at that XD


My Art Shop <3

Oh Devotion
You're essentially a hooker, but instead of bj's you give out art.



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Anyone notice how my avi looks like edward and jacobs baby?

I just noticed it looked gay.