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Love Risa

Love Risa's avatar

Birthday: 04/01


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Streife Vandre Report | 08/23/2011 4:19 am
Streife Vandre
you a** ******** alien Dx didja go back to ur home planet or something? ur never onnnn
Sexiest Cat Report | 07/21/2011 4:14 pm
Sexiest Cat
Thanks for the buy!
Mickey in San Fransisco Report | 07/14/2011 6:20 am
Mickey in San Fransisco
Cool avi!
whiterosedemon Report | 07/09/2011 3:20 am
Thank you ^_^ they do say eyes are the window to the soul
whiterosedemon Report | 07/09/2011 3:15 am
Your very welcome miss.
whiterosedemon Report | 07/09/2011 3:11 am
Wow your pretty
misosoup321 Report | 03/15/2011 7:52 pm
thanks for the buy~!
iiHeartYouhhx3 Report | 03/12/2011 2:31 pm
is it okay if i buy your summer gardener for 120k? razz
just asking ^u^
tyvm :]
Sugoi Hidoi Report | 01/16/2011 5:58 pm
Sugoi Hidoi
Did you get my reply? biggrin
If so and don't care for it anymore just tell me and I'll leave you alone. Promise!
Sonemo Report | 01/13/2011 1:32 pm
Fly with me...

Thank you very much for buying... smile you have a beautiful profile. 3nodding

...For i can't Fly Alone


Hello, my name is Risa.

I'm an alien sent to Earth with one mission: to collect as many lesbian hookers and unwilling slaves as I can. c;

If you find that repulsive, I find you repulsive. But, chances are, I most likely think you're repulsive anyway.

I'm a bisexual who goes to Towns and Rally too much. I'll RP with you if I like you enough.

Unless you have a badass avi, don't randomly add me. Random comments and PMs are fine, though.

Byebye for now.


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