[ Sees Through ] blue eyes
[ Brushes ] dark brown hair
[ Loves ] loadzzz of stuff
[ Hates ] work, nasty people
[ Treat me] Be nice to me and i will be nice back
[ Always ] Be nice
[ On the map ] ireland
[ Sign ] Gemini
Gaga Paparazzi Mini Mouse
biggrin One lil lady with rainbows in her hair rainbows on her skirt and even rainbows through the air went walking down a road one day and passed two paths and didin know which to go ''shall i take the rainbow path or the other oh I don't know'' so her legs made the choice for her and on she walked down the rainbow road. coming to the end of the path she found a pot of gold as big and as bright as the rainbow but she decied she loved the rainbows more so she left it alone . To make her journey shorter home she skiped her rainbow feet down over the rainbow road (over the rainbow)
Books i hvae read recently:
Anita blake series' Being nikki' house of night' The shiter series ' The mortal instuments' FaeFever' The Vampire Academy' night huntress' Morgan kingsley series' Guild hunter chicago land vamps' Mercedes Thompson series' Firespell'
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