
Okay, I'm currently 18 years old. I live in Ohio. I graduate from high school in 4ish months. I'm actually keeping track of the days, but I won't run that down here 'cause it'd be too much hassle. I'm going to be valedictorian! Which is exciting on the surface but actually a biotch, because I'll have to give the speech at graduation.

Giving speeches isn't so bad, but mommy's old adage still sticks : "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." I certainly don't have much nice to say to the rest of my student body (I know that sounds mean, but really, you should meet them. I'm sure at least a third of them are functionally illiterate.)

I'm also captain of various varisty teams... blah, blah, blah...

Yeah, that's me.


Viewing 4 of 4 comments.

La La Leprosy

Report | 02/24/2007 1:51 pm

La La Leprosy


How are you?

Report | 02/21/2007 4:07 pm


your avie is hawte! i love it!

if life isnt just a joke, then why are we laughing?

Report | 02/17/2007 6:08 pm


Ugh, you are SUCH a keener - I was the kid no one talked to in school. I hid in the back behind a lot of hair and a really big coat. Ah, well, you like Karin, so you have to be cooler than you appear at first glance. LOL

Report | 02/17/2007 8:15 am


Cool avvie. Yours has some sort of style, mine doesnt*sighs* Anyway, awesome avvie.


"Who is to say that my light is better than your darkness?"