Welcome to my profile. Leave a comment or whatever.
Read my journalz to find info of me or yeah again whatever.
Oh and I'm not listing every damn thing I like.((it'll be too long!))AND I'll be saying me name is Mae((cause it kinda is))
Some info of Mae :
Mae is 13 and 5'3. Mae is a total brunette and loves Japanese((even is studying to best of her ability))
Mae changes her avatar based on what she is currently obsessed about. As you can..really...see..she is, damn, currently OCD over Kingdom Hearts II.
bested songs: ((Mae can go on forever))
Daia no Hana
Starry Heavens
Feel Good Inc.
A Song of Storm and Fire
My Santuary
Hmm..Oh yeah!
Bested games:
Tales of Symphonia
Wind Waker
Kingdom Hearts
heart bested animes:
heart Inuyasha
bested mangas:
Black Cat
How am I doing? Well..

and guess what, I'm in the military. It's nice there...

I found a note written by Sora :O

Here is some icons: ((shudda up I got bored :/))

In Words of Heartless
My journal might filled with icons, weird stuff and all about me.
My cosplay:
Kairi from KH2((but not with her outfit.))
Die all you FAGULAS....<3
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