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Don't mind me. I'm just here.

Either exhausted from work, gaming or trying to draw.

Enjoy your stay.

Why did you favorite my outfit?
I'm too busy in life to relax, so sometimes I just like to log in and admire the creativity in people's avatars. Yes, I find that relaxing.

Why is your WL so frickin' long!?
I admit, I'm a hoarder. I also like to create outfits in different colors.
Don't look at my old IMVU outfits and Skyrim house. lol

Why does most of your WL have no listings?!
Some items have been on that list for over 5 years and others? I can't say.

Do you consider yourself a lurker?
Um? I suppose so?


Cerbrilla's avatar

Registered: 07/30/2010

Gender: Female

Birthday: 01/31

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Thank you Marasoh, for helping me get my Pink Cotton ball Kin. ^-^