Sheriff Smexxi Pants

Sheriff Smexxi Pants's avatar

Last Login: 11/14/2014 8:18 am

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/14


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Pokuhmon Report | 12/21/2011 3:36 am
Mom i miss you so much D:
Pokuhmon Report | 11/23/2011 6:06 pm
heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Sexony Report | 01/14/2011 3:54 pm
Y'know, I love being talked about,
Makes me feel like i have Fan Boy's / Girls.
The Keyblade Graveyard Report | 01/14/2011 9:53 am
The Keyblade Graveyard
u.. dun... have... a c**k xD...
and its not black owo
well she can suck mine... i'll enjoy it xD
Sexony Report | 01/13/2011 5:35 pm
Lul "Taddle b***h"
Keep on Believing that,
I'm done wasting my breath on you,
Talk to me when your less of a...
Sexony Report | 01/13/2011 5:24 pm
|D Why so you can spy on me, Hoping to find me flirting with somone so you can run along and tell Jason?
Not gonna happen Darling heart
The Keyblade Graveyard Report | 01/13/2011 9:04 am
The Keyblade Graveyard
u know that sora seme person wants to keel you? owo
The Keyblade Graveyard Report | 01/12/2011 12:29 pm
The Keyblade Graveyard
did kitteh do bad stuff? owo everyone seems mad at ya
Sexony Report | 01/12/2011 12:07 am
Dont stalk us ******** Creeper.
SoftIy Report | 01/11/2011 3:38 pm



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Sheriff Smexxi Pants
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II Kogashi Michiru II
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best brother no matter what <3

My BFF ^^ <3 :3 he is always there for me and knows the best ways to cheer me up. were always on the phone laughing our asses off about something xD hes the bestest friend anyone could ask for <3 hes Jason :3

A real friend.... I dont know if i have much of those anymore.... A real friend would stand up for you, even against another friend. They wouldnt laugh at jokes about you, they would tell the joker to shut up about it and to joke about someone or something else. but... the so called friends here on gaia, dont do such a thing. they say they dont want to choose sides, therefore they think they arent going to lose a friend... yet every time they laugh at a joke about me and dont say s**t about it, they are choosing that persons side over mine. ive lost plenty of friends from standing up to them for the people ive thought were my true friends. i almost lost my brother for standing up for them. i lost a friend because she was judging my 'true friend' and i told her to stop. maybe that was a bad mistake, because now that 'true friend' doesnt do anything like that. she laughs at every single joke about me.... well sorry doesnt cut it any more.