
kliman007's avatar

Birthday: 05/07


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1_ayoo_sexy_naomi_1 Report | 08/30/2011 7:26 am
biggrin hi kliman im on again :3 xd
Rosalinda27 Report | 08/29/2011 3:50 pm
i didnt quit.why would i quit?
iStoleUrBoxerz x3 Report | 03/09/2011 6:46 am
iStoleUrBoxerz x3
jos mi nisi odg na pitanje...ali necu s tobom raspravljat vise jer i ja i deny izbacile smo te it zivota biggrin
iStoleUrBoxerz x3 Report | 03/08/2011 9:17 am
iStoleUrBoxerz x3
ja te unistila?? XD
iStoleUrBoxerz x3 Report | 03/08/2011 9:07 am
iStoleUrBoxerz x3
ma daj to su komentari a ne 3 tockice xDD
iStoleUrBoxerz x3 Report | 03/08/2011 8:53 am
iStoleUrBoxerz x3
yayayayayay!!!!! SRETAN DAN ZENA!! ;DDDD
Cattilac Report | 02/22/2011 8:00 pm
Awh, I'm sorry. :C
I'd offer, but I'm not open for commissions right now.

Good luck! I'm sure your girlfriend will appreciate whatever you give to her. ^^
Cattilac Report | 02/22/2011 7:46 pm
Ah. Well, I drew the picture.. and I just formatted it so the picture is on the side.
I really don't know how else to explain it. xD
Cattilac Report | 02/22/2011 7:41 pm
Uhh, what are you talking about specifically? xD
The art in my signature?
Perperuna Report | 02/22/2011 1:56 am
Hej, lol, tako sam se i ja osjećala prije 4 godine. xd
Ima dosta Hrvata na Gaii, vjerovao ili ne. wink
iStoleUrBlanket x3

uvijek cu te voliti i nikada tee iz mog srca necu pustiti