
Gining's avatar

Last Login: 05/30/2024 3:14 am

Registered: 12/03/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Hiding under your bed

Birthday: 05/13

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Hey all! I guess this would be the section where I tell you a bit about myself?

Okay then, here goes.
The Name: Gining or Gin. Either one is fine.
The Gender: Male trapped in a female body.
The Age: Yes, I am 37 and I still hang out on Gaia. It's fun, and I see nothing wrong with having a little fun. Plus I think I stopped maturing mentally at 22. I have been around since '05, so I have seen a lot of changes in that time. Some good, some not so much, I just wish people could back off on the unnecessary complaining!
The Height: Five feet, two inches. Not very tall, but I like being short!
The Family: Married, two kids. Love them all dearly!
The Best Friend: Chibi-Sorrow. She's even the one who got me into this site!
The favorite color: Purple and silver.
The Hobbies: Final Fantasy and fanfiction. Hopefully soon to be an author as well. That also means I am a literate Role Player. I love to interact in a way that allows me full use of my imagination. So if you have something that is fantasy, elemental, or something of that nature, send me a pm. I just may look into it and maybe join!
The unknown and useless facts: I have no talents. Maybe writing, but does that really count? Found something else I can do now. I can sew. And the more I get into it, the better I get.

Well, have a look around and you can learn a bit more about me. As I'm sure you noticed, I like Final Fantasy and Tekken. (Though FFX still reigns supreme.)

You may have noticed the movie below, unless it is otherwise stated, they are all done by me. When I get bored I will change it from time to time. Well, I hope you enjoyed your stay. Take care and make sure to leave a comment on your way out!
heart Gin~

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ChiberzSayWhat Report | 07/01/2023 4:20 pm

I blame Covid.
ChiberzSayWhat Report | 06/25/2023 6:26 pm
Professor Cypress Report | 05/15/2020 3:15 am
Professor Cypress
Love the avi!
ChiberzSayWhat Report | 01/02/2017 9:58 pm
Hey, look! I finally changed my Avatar in, like, a year! Also, I'm looking for RPs. Cause I can.
ChiberzSayWhat Report | 09/16/2016 7:46 am
Your age is a lie in your profile... 3nodding xd
Lady of Whimsy Report | 12/27/2015 4:35 pm
Lady of Whimsy
Thanks for the extra damage bundle! I'll put it to good use! heart heart
ChiberzSayWhat Report | 06/14/2015 10:11 am
Seriously, woman, I am going to beat you with a stick. HOW CAN I SEND YOU A PRESENT IF YOU DON'T GET ONLINE TO GIVE ME YOUR ADDRESS?!
Darien S. Report | 05/14/2014 6:29 pm
Darien S.
You're welcome! Yea, when I'm on Gaia, I don't have much time for social interaction, I barely have time to scout the Q&A like I used to. gonk It's good to see you're still around on here though. I know a good amount of people on my friend list no longer get on Gaia for one reason or another.
Darien S. Report | 05/14/2014 4:56 am
Darien S.
Happy Birthday! Hope it's a good one! o:
ChiberzSayWhat Report | 04/14/2014 10:16 pm
I haven't checked it much recently. I can only imagine though. I see Gaia got a bit of a remodel.




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