
Samasaurs's avatar

Birthday: 11/17

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My name is samasaurs, but In the real world my name is Sammy and I have a hole in my sock.♥ I don't need to get a Mohawk or punch a wall to show how hardcore I am.
Im that one girl with the tiny voice and loud laugh. I'm extemely insecure and I constantly need to be reassured that things will be okay. I try my best not to let people get to be but I usually fail. I don't trust anyone except for my best friends, so don't try to weasel your way into my life. I'm probably the coolest dork you'll evert meet. Give me a sour candy and I'll look Chinese for you. Speaking of Chinese, Amor and Kim have witnessed me attack one for not giving me a chocolate bar. When I say "Lmao" I'm actually laughing but it doesn't come out. I'm not afraid to tell you if you have something stuck in your teeth. I have a crush on my iPod D: it's getting pretty serious. I hate when people can't spell or type 7!k3 Th!$ @77 th3 t!m3, so don't talk to me if you do that. Also, i'm a complete klutz so be nice to me or I'll trip on something and fall on you.
I don't party like it's 1999 so don't invite me. I have a hard time being serious and I'm usually quoting salad fingers or homestar runner when I'm talking. I make up my own words. I'll probably nickname you something totally offensive and bizarre. I take everything to heart and am easily saddened. I have a slight temper and will threaten to bomb your house if you make me mad. I hold grudges, I express myself through writings, I write poetry, stories, and random journal enteries which you can read online. I'm deathly afraid of grasshoppers! D: I'm a super perv and will laugh at anything that's inappropiate. And I'm closing, I'm the best thing since frozen burritos. ♥


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welll hm i quess ahhh ninjas are better then pirates!

hehehehh i was here :P