Items Remaining: Amethyst Diamond Dog x 2 Silent Night Homeroom
Items Remaining: Amethyst Diamond Dog x 2 Yin Tech Datamancer
Personal Data
I am me and no more but I will explain. I am a person who doesn't really like to reveal many things about myself unless we have talked for long periods of time so I'm really secretive. I am an intelligent person but I don't attempt ti talk like one and it may get annoying. People sometimes think I'm weird for liking a game where girls fly all over the place just to kill each other which that is called Touhou and it may sound unusual at first but you'll get the concept. I am not Japanese but I really like things from Japan like Vocaloids and Animes. I roleplay a lot so if you want me to join an RP send me a PM and I bet only a few people would actually read this. There are obviously things I like and things I dislike and I really like Foxes. I dislike: I like: Bugs All Animals Unsanitary Things Water Poison Sushi Bright Lights Touhou Wrong Use of Grammar Winter Heat Roleplaying Screeches Spicy Food Bites Vocaloids Alcoholics Dark Smokers Purple Drug Addicts Books Olives Reading Loud Sounds Star Fox Trash Anime Sickness Movies with common ideas Aliens Call Of Duty,Halo etc. Sports Religions Myths
i knew it was you.. because you said you were Changing your name once your dream avi was completed... XD nice btw. i didn't even notice you changed your avi until i saw your gaia status....XD late
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