
My name is Courtney, i'm an 18 year old Senior at Fort Pierce Central High School. I'm an open and friendly person for the most part, I try to get along with everyone. There are some people I really hate, and though I try to be polite to all, if you really get on my nerves you'll more than likely be able to tell. I do not like to fight though, so go ahead and call me whatever names you'd like to. I'll even let you take the first punch. I'm not getting myself in trouble for other people's immaturity.

I'll let you know now, I do not like to smoke or drink. Perhaps when i'm older i'll have a drink every now and then but I honestly see no reason to do it so i'm not going to take the risk of getting addicted. And smoking, getting illegal crap is too complicated and expensive so it's not worth the hassle. And i've already lost about half my life due to second-hand smoke from my mom, i'd rather not add on to that with smoking ciggerettes myself. I don't care if you do it, i'm not going to go all psycho on you if you do. That's your choice. I would just prefer you not do it around me, thank you. I'll respect your choices if you respect mine. I'll admit though, i'm not too keen of being friends with people who do smoke and drink. It mostly depends on the person and if they're worth it.

I love photography. I don't know what brought me to it, i'm guessing since I started with drawing but I sucked at it. I love putting a new angle or insight on things, and you will almost never see my without my camera. I will be attending Ringling College of Art and Design where I will be majoring in Photography and Digital Imaging. I love Photoshop, ImageReady, and any other programs where I can mess with pictures. I'm still not very good at them, but i'm working on it.

I'm always up to meeting new people. I like new faces and I love talking with people, especially people from different areas. So don't hesitate to send me a message even if it's just to say hi or ask a question, or any such thing. I will more than likely respond.

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He had six sides
She had six sides
But is was their quirky
little differences
that first caught his eye
and made her heart swirl...
And the two little snowflakes
knew they were falling
for each other

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My favorite Disney movie is Beauty and the Beast. Belle is my favorite of the Disney Princesses, though she technically is not a princess. She is smart, well-mannered, unselfish, courageous, strong, and everything I myself try to be. She wants more than just a small simple life, like me. She loves without restrictions and sees people for who they truly are. The music is amazing, and though the story plot has somewhat changed since it was originally made, it still holds strong to it's main moral of the story.


Viewing 12 of 24 friends


Simple Beauty's Journal

Howdys! I'm Akiko, and this is my Journal! Written in here will be mostly daily posts about things going on in my life, some random rants, prolly a lot of quotes and short stories I either make myself or findoff the internet that I think are nice. En



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Amrosia Amyn

Report | 07/31/2011 2:16 am

Amrosia Amyn

Well Damn, I guess I'm no longer a friend, eh Courtney? =p

The Red Pirate

Report | 05/23/2009 9:21 pm

The Red Pirate

Hey Kid I've forgotten your name it's been so bloody long ^^

Report | 01/05/2009 8:52 pm


omg i love your profile! where did u get it? or how did u make it?

Report | 09/24/2008 2:31 am


User Image

old times sake.

Report | 07/17/2008 8:32 am


i love ur layout!!
Sayuri Pumpkin

Report | 05/04/2008 12:16 am

Sayuri Pumpkin

Thanks for buying ^^

Report | 04/22/2008 7:56 am


I see. Well, it is a pleasure to meet you then. By your personal description within your profile, you seem like a very interesting and pleasant person. I am interested in photography myself, though don't get me wrong. I merely do it as a hobby and do not see myself as a "pro photographer" as most people these days do.

I hope we get to speak more often. If you'd like, I have an AIM screenname I would more than gladly share with you so that we may converse more often.

Take care, and I hope to speak with you again.

Report | 04/16/2008 10:43 am


Thank you for sending me the Friend Request. May I ask how you found my name?
Kiki Yashima

Report | 11/14/2007 4:26 am

Kiki Yashima

You're not a junior! Dx

Report | 08/08/2007 4:00 pm


Courtney is pretty!


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You always knew
How to
color my world