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teh bookworm here, or, as she is known in the real world, faith.

faith likes...
real worms
that doug show (sorry been)
her camp, intie
pia's emo brother
the radio
all her wives
her sister, claire
emo kids
bradley whitford
awkward eighties teen movies ^__^
strange songs by hellogoodbye that involve yelling and prom

faith does not like...
obnoxious cello players named sarah
people who do not know what 24-4 is. (coughPEOPLE IN MY MATH CLASScough)
people who do not appreciate a good pair of purple pants
people who breathe through their mouths. really people, THAT'S WHAT A NOSE IS FOR.
vocabulary tests -_-
hannah montana (who is she, really?)
having to watch all the voting results with her sister on super tuesday. really... not fun.
home telephones



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/10/2008 10:32 am


hi hi!

Report | 03/11/2008 3:22 am


YEAH!!!!!! I'M GOING TO SECOND SESSION!!!!!!! *jumps around like a rubber bouncy ball*
Skylight Sakura

Report | 02/22/2008 8:13 am

Skylight Sakura

*Walkes in in a Hannah Montana wig, breaths in through her mouth and yells* "24 - 4 IS -244!!!!!!!!!!"

I'm good. Your cell phone isn't on, and I can't talk to you about nothing! User Image What's a nerd to do?

Report | 02/16/2008 2:42 pm


Why hello Faith my dear! What hast thou been reading lately?
measuring cups

Report | 01/26/2008 4:26 pm

measuring cups

asdfghjkl. this is faith? as in, faith from that favorable girls prepatory school that i go to? FOR THIS BE VARNER.
Skylight Sakura

Report | 01/23/2008 3:17 pm

Skylight Sakura

Rawr, I'm ignoring him to see if he gets jelous.

We got nothing, except the peoples choice award (Everyone hates bexley because the first year came we got second, the second year we got first, and the third year we got third. They kinda ignored us this year, eiher that or I'm playing favorites. . . . probably the llatter). I tried to talk to your team, but they were freaked out when I asked them if they were from shaker hights and rthey ran away from me. User Image


Before I went to Cosi and did nothing for a couple hours, Dr. K, and the team (Since luna is makeing up names, I will too. (Shika, Garra, misstress D. and brother) Were all about messing with the cosi exhibits, and theres this drum, that measures your heartbeat when you put your hands on it. So, Dr. K is all 'See who I'm thinking aout by the heart beat.'

So she thinks of Garra and it's all "thunk. . .thunk. . . think. . ."

Then she thinks of brother (who isn't my brother because I don't have one!) and it's all "Thunk. . thunk. . ."

So then she get's Shika and she's all 'Think of Sky (Well, she said my real name) and put your hans on the drum.' So he does and it's all ike 'THUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNKTHUNK'

*Squwee!* <3

My comment is longer than yours nyah!

~Skylight Sakura

(Not too great at makeing up names)

Report | 01/22/2008 5:45 pm



you avatar scares me a bit Faith

I must admit XD

Report | 01/09/2008 7:24 am


Happy belated new year to you too! User Image

Report | 12/02/2007 2:20 pm


I couldn't find a good version. And yes, that song truely rocks.

Report | 11/24/2007 4:38 pm


Awesome profile Faith! I <3 it!


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