i love pink. black. fushia
i love anime. chibi.
i love emoicons xD. :3. <3.
i love art. "deviant art".
i love emo. goth. freedom. reality. music.
i love japanese philosophy. philosophy.
i enjoy a cup of coffee...
i enjoy the sunset. night sky. stars. clouds.
i crave chocolates. ice cream. avi arts xD.
im occupied with the past. what if's. what could have beens.
i could be deep. cynical. hypocrite. dense. fake.
point is... i could be the monster i thought i could never be.
i hate the sun. i hate the rain.
give me a reason to think that life is not really over until it really is.
Tell me your name...
i'll remember it...
sO wHeN i'M trY!ng to CaLL soMeOne, i'LL CaLL ouT Ur NaMe
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