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Sup the name is MoMo
Im 20
U.S. Active Duty Soldier
Born in Amsterdam, Netherland
Raised in Seattle, WA
Single for now. Not sure where my heart goes yet.




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

FaIse Hope

Report | 07/04/2013 8:52 am

FaIse Hope

Yeah, they've got a Towns 2 now, and they're going to be dumping the original Towns. soon. :/
FaIse Hope

Report | 07/03/2013 9:17 pm

FaIse Hope

haha, no problem! Life's been sort of pulling me away from this site as well, but I've been finding time for it anyway. Next time I happen to catch you while you're online, we should just chill in towns for a bit and catch up. xD
FaIse Hope

Report | 07/03/2013 11:48 am

FaIse Hope

Hey, man. Happy birthday! You're one of the first friends I ever made here on Gaia, and you're a good one at that, so I find it necessary to write even just a little bit more than a simple, "Happy birthday!"
I wish we could talk more than we do, but for now, I hope you have an awesome 22nd birthday and then some. xD
FaIse Hope

Report | 12/31/2012 12:26 pm

FaIse Hope

Pretty dull lately, myself. I'm going into my second semester at college as a music performance major. I also have a job as an artist for a youtube channel on the side. (It's called Blurb Gaming if you wanna check it out lol)
But, yeah, that's pretty much the extent of my life atm. lol
And dude, I didn't know you were in the military! How is that going?
Electrick Lala

Report | 12/28/2012 1:18 pm

Electrick Lala

Well good for you, hurray for earning an education for us lol. Yeah christmas wasn't all that cracked up to be this year, family has a lot of s**t goin on right now but we're trying to make it lol. My relationship has been evolving (not sure for better or worse though.) Life is just so busy right now so I like to try and keep myself distracted.
FaIse Hope

Report | 12/10/2012 3:14 pm

FaIse Hope

Nothin much. Been busy. Haven't talked to you in forever, so I thought I'd shoot you a hello. lol
Electrick Lala

Report | 12/08/2012 5:11 pm

Electrick Lala

LOL its fine I know the feeling. Yeah my social life has greatly slowed down since all I seem to do now is hang with the bf and beefing up my portfolio. But it's cool, I also get a lot of reading done. How is military life treating you?
Electrick Lala

Report | 12/03/2012 7:45 am

Electrick Lala

LOL it's okay I understand. I've been busy too but I spend like a majority of school on the computer so I find time for gaia.
I'm mainly getting ready to start applying to colleges and s**t xp
Electrick Lala

Report | 11/30/2012 8:37 am

Electrick Lala

OMG hey. What are you up too?
FaIse Hope

Report | 11/27/2012 7:14 pm

FaIse Hope

Hey man, what's up?


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I chase dreams but i am a dreamer, if its wrong to dream then i do not know what is right