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Chocolina (チョコリーナ, Chokorīna?) is a merchant from Final Fantasy XIII-2. True to her name, Chocolina is known for being dressed in clothes that make her resemble a chocobo. She appears throughout the different time periods, however it is unknown whether she has the ability to travel through time and uses the Historia Crux system to do so.
She sells five categories of goods: items, weapons, accessories, monster training items, and bargains, or "Special". She is also one of the only sources for purchasing Gysahl Greens, use of which allows the player to ride chocobos. Most chocobos are friendly, but there is a troublemaking red chocobo. The player can make him go away by throwing gysahl greens, but Famitsu hints this chocobo may have a side story.

Yoshinori Kitase has stated that Chocolina was created as a waitress in Serendipity originally, but the game's director, Motomu Toriyama, really liked her design and wanted to make sure that she was featured more prominently. This led to her becoming a shop clerk, and even having her own dialogue and background history.

[More will be added as information is released~.]