~* I Love anime like Inuyasha,Gravitation,Fruits Basket, Naruto & more, mostly ~*INUYASHA*~and~*Gravitation*~ but i don't want 2 write them all down cuz im !!LAZY!! And i love music any thing but country & rap!! I love reading & waching anime. i would draw it but i *suck* at drawing!Thats pritty much it if u want 2 know any thing else ur going to have 2 ask me ur self *~ !*~!*P.S. Inuyasha Rocks u can say i LOVE him Well actualy i do teheheheh*!~*!
lol I like spirits and I have a bunch and I wont to share them with you! so here they are!!
This peom is perfect for what I am feeling right now
Poem by June
No matter how hard I try ,
forgetting I just can't do.
All these years i haven't had ,
a love that feels so true.
I know I can't follow my heart ,
and be with the man I love.
For he has his wife and I a partner ,
but forgetting i am finding tough.
Every time I think about him ,
I break down and cry.
My feelings I try so hard to hide ,
but its breaking my heart so much.
I can't just forget all about him ,
and how I wished for just one touch.
mad XPUCCAXx::..

mad XINU-YASHAXx::..

well thats it
<3 MY dream avi please help me <3 nothing right now!!Questing right now once again nothing right now!!people that hepled so far
> XILoveYouAlysaX donated side wood table (thanks for helping)
>kissmeimmuggleborn donated 25 tokens and Gracie's socer ball (thank you)
>virgoprincess10000 donated 100 gold (thanks)
>w a t e r m e l o n donated 40 gold (thanks)
>Sakuyi donated yellow neck ribbon (thank you)
>ExcretedLemonade doanted ohh~cean blue head wrap and 50 gold
>ReginaOf NoxNoctisTerror donated 40 gold
1) Kingdom Hearts
4)Other Anime
you should join the AniMix guild... its lots of fun and its a great way to meet new friends...... come join USE rp.... we'll have tones of fun!!!!!
http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/index.php?guild_id=24741 take a look and if you do join have fun

kool iam Tohru.
V is the best,
Better then the rest!

Forget about everyone else,
Help V make the world better
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