Viewing Aubreys Black Rose's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were-I have not seen
As others saw-I could not bring
My passions from a common spring-
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow-I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone-
And all I lov'd-I lov'd alone-
Then-in my childhood-in the dawn
Of a most stormy life-was dawn
From ev'ru depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still-
From the torrent, or the fountain-
From the red clif of the mountain-
From the sun that round me roll'd
In its autumn tint of gold-
From the lighting of the sky
As it pass'd me flying by-
From the thunder, and the strom-
And the cloud that took thr form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view-

Edgar Allan Poe

this is my 4th acct on gaia! hocrap!
my 1st was O_osuperweirdo...but she is gone now due to some Niquil and chaning my password to God knows what sad

im a girl.
im a little over 5' 4".
im blonde.
im blue eyed.
i swear.
i say dumb things.
i dunno.
is there anymore i need to say?
i mean, common! lol ~flashes my wonderful, charming smile~

(and if you dont get that im being sarcastic you need to pull ur head out of ur a**, cause thats just sad, lol.)

actually, most people end up hating me but thats how it goes i suppose. i dont kow why, but it seems to happen alot sad


my job crap like this
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this ^ is my dog maggie, she smells flowers


Quotable Song:
whisper it once / just a little bit
oh whisper it twice / i cant stand....
its killing me to see you...
just tie the rope
and kick the chair
just leave me hanging there
gasping for air
dont mind me just hanging from the ceiling
when im with you theres no point in breathing
and it think i know... oh oh oh
why you never seem to get too close
cause your too scared to
when im with you theres no point in breathing
-the rope
the format


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


Aubreys Black Rose

random crap: thoughts, songs, quotes, anything


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Narelon the Great

Report | 02/06/2009 7:24 am

Narelon the Great

Hello there, how nice it is to hear from you again! I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner but what with things and some internet troubles I haven't been able to get on Gaia for some time.

Things are going well for me at the moment, thank you. I'm in my last Semester at Uni now, which I'm greatly enjoying but there's a lot of work, especially on my dissertation!

How are things for you? I hope you're well and your avi works out.
l White Lioness l

Report | 12/16/2008 8:14 pm

l White Lioness l

RIP Truman.

Report | 12/09/2008 6:00 pm


lol i see you is wearing the scarf scott and i bought you for a present back when the item came out ^^ that makes me happy to see you wearing it *hug*
Narelon the Great

Report | 07/05/2007 7:20 am

Narelon the Great


My first year at uni went very well thanks, really enjoyed- thanks for remembering!

How's your year gone, well too, I hope?

Sorry for the late reply, haven't checked my profile in ages!
Aubreys Black Rose

Report | 05/16/2007 7:55 pm

Aubreys Black Rose

its a mule, but ill add you to my main!

Report | 05/06/2007 3:26 pm


Uuh.. yeah.. this is Kristen O_o
Idk if this is your main account or not, but you should add me on your main :]
Aubreys Black Rose

Report | 02/11/2007 10:51 am

Aubreys Black Rose

aw nope, this is the original name hun... only weirdo and teacups have been changed

Report | 01/08/2007 7:42 pm


Did this name ever change?
Aubreys Black Rose

Report | 01/01/2007 6:45 pm

Aubreys Black Rose

aw.. thanks Narelon!
i miss talking to you honey! sad
hope everything is going well for you!
Narelon the Great

Report | 12/30/2006 5:00 am

Narelon the Great

Thanks, Happy Christmas to you too!


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