All you need to know about me

Hello, and welcome! The name's Larxene.

I am not a frequent visitor to this site- indeed, I rarely get on here nowadays- but I do pop by every once in a while to make sure a) I haven't been hacked, b) to see what new events have come (and gone....) and c) to play around with my profile. As you can probably tell, I'm a Doctor Who fan.

Since I am in college and am trying to maintain some semblance of a normal life when I'm not going to classes, studying, or working, things like this tend to get shoved to the wayside. I am, however, a writer, so if you want to view my fanfiction click here.

I also have a Livejournal, so if you want to keep updated on me and my activities and my current stories, follow that link.

Finally, I also have a deviantART account, where some artwork dedicated to my various stories are stored. Just fair warning, though; I'm not much of an artist.

You can find me on Tumblr here. That is mostly my repository of all things geeky and shiny, so if you want to see pretty DW gifs and pics, go there to stalk me.

Thanks to these donators~
Rinikawa~ Missy Sapphire dress, decorative daisy, roco rochel earrings, black sleeveless silk top
axeldemyxfan~ Daisy's breeze dress
Death4790~ elven ears, Gardenia vintage stretch pants
ocho-san~ G Blade (OMG!!)
psaturn~ 100 gold
Darkhibiscusyuna~ BFF chain, Wild Things, Lovebird Plush, Royal Kimono, Devoted Pawn, white bun-bun plush
LightningXIII-Princess~ Missy Sapphire Ribbon, Toothy
Heart of the Rose- Fallen Wish, Angelbow, Celestial Gold Glamorous Pumps, Radiant Prism, Masquerade, Winter Rose, Holy Gauntlets, Spear of the Overseer, Ruby Milady Bodice, Wedding Doves and Ribbons Picolitrosso's Urn, Enchanted Book, and soooooo much more. You rock, sis!!!