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Mena3's avatar

Last Login: 07/13/2019 6:59 pm

Registered: 04/05/2006

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Mena3 The journal (Duh)

My journal just has stuff in it from life perfect but wierd life.I like doggies.


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greendaydad Report | 08/14/2013 2:52 pm
okay! I followed you. Im killer-defect-ismusic on there, too. As I said, you're gonna see a s**t ton of fandoms from me xD
greendaydad Report | 08/11/2013 4:48 pm
Yeah, and there's this time war one that just blew my mind:
1 2 3 4 I declare a Time War
5 6 7 8 Daleks scream EXTER-MIN-ATE
9 10 11 12 The Doctor died, and Silence fell
12 11 10 9 here he goes, back in time
8 7 6 5 saving everybody's lives
4 3 2 1 grab her hand and whisper 'Run'

Well it's the same sister who took the TARDIS to work with her, so yeah. There are good and bad things with every sibling. xD
greendaydad Report | 08/11/2013 4:42 pm
hey! Sorry for leaving the game. My sister came in, saw i was playing a game and thought I downloaded it and got another virus on our computer. Yeah, she gets pissed off very easily so she made me shut down the computer but she's gone now. I just wanted to say sorry about that ^^' oh and that Doctor Who poem about the TARDIS goes like this:

Rose went away so the Doctor is blue.
Ask Donna, 'Where's the Doctor?'
She'll reply, 'Doctor Who?'
Sarah Jane and Martha,
and now both the Ponds,
had their fun with the Doctor
and now they've all gone.
So ask me again why the TARDIS is blue,
there's a sad man inside with both hearts torn in two.
georgette333 Report | 07/11/2007 1:24 pm
kisa-kuun Report | 09/09/2006 8:30 pm
mena is eden's freind!