get to know me~

meow. helloooo. I used to be XxXKawaii_RawrXxX quite a while back, but I forgot the password to that account and the email I made it with, so I'm starting from scratch! I'm currently trying to get everything listed as "wanted" on my wishlist and achieve my dream avi (see below). Anybody who donates anything (gold, items) will be put on my profile. Thank you. c:

My dream avi:

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70,146,621 Gold

Devil Tail
Winter Rose
Angelic Manner
Dander 4th Gen.
Soft Black Underwear
Black Strapless Bra
The Lusty Scoundrel
Raider Shih's Garment
Kottan Bell Reunion
Bunny Flop
Class Headphones


somesummersnow's avatar

Last Login: 07/15/2021 6:05 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 03/28


Dream avi:

70,146,621 Gold

Devil Tail
Winter Rose
Angelic Manner
Dander 4th Gen.
[strike:1f8b23a88c]Soft Black Underwear[/strike:1f8b23a88c]
[strike:1f8b23a88c]Black Strapless Bra[/strike:1f8b23a88c]
The Lusty Scoundrel
Raider Shih's Garment
Kottan Bell Reunion
Bunny Flop
Class Headphones

Anybody who donates anything (gold, items) will be put on my profile. heart [/color:1f8b23a88c][/size:1f8b23a88c]

talk to me c:

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what I'm wearing~

La Belle Fromage


Madame Axelle donated 10,000 gold to me. Thank you so much! c: