
Mochi! *cough*greetings*cough* Welcome to my (somewhat) derranged profile! Without further ado, let's begin!

I am:
- Slightly Derranged
- Easily swayed
- Open minded (about most things anyways XD)
- in love with food (Yosh!)
- crazed on sugary substances
- trying to expand my "horrendous" vocabulary (j/k... I think XD)
- (more to come)

Favorite Food: NOODLES!!! (This includes RAMEN, UDON, SOBA, and PASTA!)

- Ping Pong (Moohaha!)
- Golf + Miniature Golf (I will pwn you all!!! (j/k) I really suck XP)
- Badminton (w00t! Another one that I suck at! XD)
- Swimming (XD One of the only sports that you can sweat and not feel it!)
- Chess (who cares if it's not a sport! XD I can actually beat people with this one!)
-Thinking! (Yosh! I'm pretty good at that! XD)

Favorite Chocolate: ChocoBaby (Yum!)

- Acorns
- Glubbing Around
- (More Later)

Favorite Stupid Line: A girl is answering her cellphone and says "Are you talking to me?"

- Spring
- Winter
- Fall

Favorite Silly Line: "Aw man! I stopped thinking again!"

- Origami (Even though I only know how to make a pair of boots, cranes, ballons thingy-ma-bobs, boxes, beds, etc XD)
- Sleeping/Snoozing/Cat Napping (Everything I do revolves around how much sleep I get XD)
- Pondering Life (I mean, there are so many theories! XD)
- Goofing Off (Everyone needs some goofing off time ^_^)
- Piano ( crying a pain of life, seriously)
- Reading (Wether tis fanfiction (Yosh!) or real novels (XD) it's still something fairly fun to do ^_^)
- (More later)

Favorite Random Thingy: Watching Improv!

Words that have been used to describe me (feel free to add some!):
- Very Complex (*shrugs*)
- Happy Go-Lucky (I guess this would count for CHIBI too! ^_^)
- Unique (XD)
- Annoying (>_<)
- Very Sentimental (really?! o_O)
- (More to come... feel free to tell me more to add XD)

Favorite Goofy Lines:
Person 1: "Let's have a BBQ!"
Person 2: "But there are BEES living in the grill!"
Person 1: "Well then... We can have HONEY BBQ!"
Person 2: *falls down*

The No-No's in My Book:
- Being very close minded (as in, not willing to accept any other ideas)
- Being Overly Rude (to the point that I want to punch ya in the face XD)
- Losing Your Manners (although I don't like formality, people tend not to respect me for my strange and laid-back attitude and often get rude)
- Lousy Behavior (Make good choices! As someone smart once said "Believe in your choices of today so you will not regret tomorrow." ... I think... XP)
- (More Later)

Yosh! It's growing longer! More to come though!


Viewing 12 of 15 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 07/16/2007 3:48 pm


MoMo says hi!

Report | 07/14/2007 2:01 pm


Loong time no talk! Lol, still gender confused I see =]

Report | 04/26/2007 3:51 pm


My sub-eta account froze! O-O...tell everyone you know ^-^

Report | 04/11/2007 2:44 pm


OMG look what happened to Lily!!
"lily xu: jialin is so freaking uke"

Report | 04/11/2007 8:05 am


buy sum socks! their good for u... like apples and peaches and BROCCOLI and cats.

Report | 04/06/2007 5:37 pm


Yay! You can fly now!

Report | 04/06/2007 3:34 pm


awesome, u got the wrap!

Report | 04/06/2007 12:14 pm


ooohh! i thot of another word that describes ya... "sock-less"

Report | 04/04/2007 1:59 pm


you guys and socks XD

Report | 04/01/2007 6:33 pm


Let's go shopping for socks! Happy April Fool's Day Cyn-Cyn-natti!