
nosewarmer's avatar

Last Login: 09/19/2006 2:38 pm

Registered: 09/03/2006

Gender: Female


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Hola mi amiga/os,
You can call me Nosewarmer. Do not ask why because if your my friend than you should already know.And yup, that's about all you need to know about me cuz I don't want to have a creepy stalker man following me.



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MiSS KeLS Report | 01/10/2007 2:31 pm
Turke Report | 09/22/2006 1:49 pm
I have the strongest urge to watch a Disney movie maraton. I really want to watch robin hood! oh da la lee!!! I want my Disney. I am so sad. oh, by the way, instead of eating cake batter I had fudge batter. much better. I could only eat half though. not a big enough stomach. *crys* wow! I should have sent you mail instead. this is the longest I've ever typed.
Turke Report | 09/22/2006 1:39 pm
good for you
nosewarmer Report | 09/06/2006 1:24 pm
nosewarmer Report | 09/05/2006 3:25 pm
I'm saving for a sleeping hat thingy too lol!!
Turke Report | 09/05/2006 3:17 pm
hey nice Pjs
nosewarmer Report | 09/04/2006 11:15 am
Who else could it be?! your the only Turke I kno besides your dog..ummm...yea
Turke Report | 09/04/2006 11:13 am
hey girly how is ya? hehe its cae
nosewarmer Report | 09/04/2006 10:57 am
Welcome to my lovely profile! If you want to be friends go ahead and request! I will probably accept you! I am one of those people who go on if I'm really really really bored- so I'll be on a lot. Just don't use profanity or be a pervert and we can talk and be all happy. K? Good, yup, good.


Okay y'all love gaia and y'all love having girlfriends and boyfriends, well did you know when you post gross profanity it is NOT attractive and you WILL get in trouble for it. You attract certain people the way you act. Only a sick puppy would like that gross crap!


Hola mi amigos!