about me aka very short
Hello im a 14 year old girl i like many things and its really hard to get on my bad side if you do beware i haunt for life just kidding i can never hold a grudge long so it dosent matter in truth im acctualy a pacifist im also asexual.
Yes i know the person that origonaly had the name washu is no longer on but i don't care as far as im conserend they got there first.
name: [[Washu]]
age: 14
family: what family i disowned them long ago i don't need them all they ever did was hurt me in every way possible.
personality: donno
fav bands: five for fighting within temptation celin dion enya simple plan.
likes:anything really
hates: i hate many things but i hate it when someone insults another for no reason without even knowing them
maybe i can keep liveing this Tong Hua for a few years more but atleast get me out of this yumi.

UnKNOWN. You gotta put some effort into changing yourself, so that you can figure out what you want from life.You seem to have given up on things. You probably were normal once,but i bet something bad happened, that crushed you, and pent you up in your own little universe, where you've been living for some time now...You really are a difficult person to understand, not to mention that you don't like to share your feelings, so you express them by drawing and/or writing (just like me ^^). Even though you probably had some bad experience before,that doesn't mean you should just give up (yep, i'm not taking my own advise LOL). Trust me, you should really try your best to change becauce: first of all, the solitary exsistence is no exsistence at all, second of all if you dont fill up the huge empty space that was meant for your confidence, it will curse you eternaly...no matter how much progress you make, you'll always think it isn't enough and crirtisize yourself until the presure starts to consume you...and..well...i still havent reached that phase in my life but God knoes what wil happen.You doubt yourself and your abilities all the time...and you shouldn't. To reach the happiness you've been longing for, first you need to work on your confidence and people skills, after that you'll eventually learn to appreciate the small things and life...and value what you have, instead of feeling sorry for yourself because of what you dont have.Good luck and please rate if you liked the result.{kisses}

You're dissapointed in yourself.
You find all others oh-so-perfect and wonder why you can't be like them. You think there is no chance for you to find happiness/true love/contentement etc. You are depressed and maybe even suicidal. But please, don't give up on life already! It has more to it then what reaches the eye- you'll see. In time, you find your way out of the darkness. Or at least find beauty in the darkness itself. And one thing that many misses to do; enjoy the small things in life. Listen to the songs in the rain, admire the beautiful colours on the autumn leaves, feel the wind gently caressing your face, blowing away all that's bad. And let your sorrow be channeled through art and music. Sadness is a strong and actually very beautiful feeling and it can inspire you to do great things.
Take this

You want a Beautiful love, soft but passionate. You are probably very old fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude people, wolf whistles are to you only dis-respective and immature. You love nature and everything beautiful in life. You will fall for a guy that makes you forget about the rest of the world.Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
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Im sorry about the shakira song, lol
It won't play now - you cursed it! xd