

Name:Lokie Urie

Friends:Gaara sasuke temarie hinata naruto shino

Personality:punk yet emo-ish your a little mentally insane and your a demon

What them bastards think:

Naruto:Cool but very embarassing when you ran around with a large sign saying naruto tounged sasuke

Sasuke:Grrr but your still cool with him

Sakura:Wanted to beat you up for the sign thing but you did a hoodini and disapoofed

Kakasi: very funny when you had the sign

Kiba: You wanted to see if akamaru could kick a cats a** but he wouldn't let you

Akamaru:woof woof grr grr bark*dog language:i would've kicked that cats a** into next week*

Shino:you saved his bug from an evil frog

Hinata:You tought her how to beat up neji she loves you

Kurene(sp):no problem with you

Ino:well she said something mean about gaara who is your buddy and you beat her up she pulled out your lip ring and you want revenge so you're going to egg her house or hook up sasuke and sakura and hates you for the sign

Shikamaru:hes a little mad at you for going up to him and asking him questions that have no real answer like-if is school is practice for the future and if practice makes perfect and if nobody's perfect than why practice and he doesn't know why you love picking on him and he doesn't know why you keep following him around yelling WHY DON'T YOU LOOK AT ME WHEN WE MAKE LOVE!!!

Choji:You gave him your chips but you also inflated him when he turned into a gaint ball

Asuma:no comment

Lee:you pushed him into a moving tractor(if there are any)

Neji:He hates your effing guts for teaching hinata how to beat him up

Tenten:Is happy for you teaching hinata how to beat up neji because ahe got to spend more time with him hehehe

Gai:he had to unflatten lee

Gaara:He is your friend and is very confused about his feelings towards you

Kankuro:well you drew whiskers on him when he was sleeping

Temari:she has to deal with your insane a**

Baki:no comment


Viewing 8 of 8 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/20/2007 6:13 pm


try this out! Send this to 10 friends then press f5 and you'll get 10,000 gold!

Report | 10/07/2007 11:48 am


How are we getting old for this?? Yo, you ppl have a myspace right??? 14...thats not old...is it?

Report | 09/17/2007 4:12 pm


dats easy, we're gettin real old for online stuff like this...

Report | 09/08/2007 3:13 pm


BrEaNa!!!!!!!!! y r u not coming on all of a sUdDeN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Report | 08/31/2007 6:34 pm



Um, hi. Just wanna post so i can get gold, so ya

c ya at school...or on the bus...bye!
Kaijutsu Minka

Report | 08/05/2007 11:28 pm

Kaijutsu Minka

Heyyy!!!!! Lol I took a HUGE break from Gaia. Ok That was a lie. I forgot my password. Go on laugh it up!!! Make fun of a forgetful friend!!!!! Lol but I figured it out with much swearing. I have to tell you. I LOVE GOING ON YOUR PAGE!!!!!! You have the funniest things on there. Plus its nice to have a friend who likes both naruto and bleach.(A freaky omega fan of both{would stalk Sasuke,Neji,Garra,White-chan,Uryu, and ichigo if I could}) Oh I should send you some funny pics that I came across youtube. Lol comment back k!

Report | 07/29/2007 3:20 am


its been awhile.... contact me in myspace.. go to my pro and see it. i dont go here much anymore... I love yah

Report | 07/24/2007 9:14 am


i like ur profile!!!!

Report | 07/20/2007 6:52 am


HIYA Bre!!!~~~~~~~~~~~

Report | 07/18/2007 9:39 am


what? I like my profile just the way it is. CAN YOU HELP??


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