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Aster Blackwell on 12/21/2023

Not Your Cup of Tea

Not Your Cup of Tea's avatar

Registered: 09/25/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Texas

Birthday: 04/24/1994

Occupation: Photographer & Student

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what you need to know

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For one, my name is Stacey. (Please do not forget the 'E' because its getting to a point where I am sick and tired of it. >.>'')

I move a lot so I'm always in different places and know many things. If you have no idea what the hell I'm saying then I'm either being totally random, a blond, or a know it all even though we all know I do not know all.

I like many things...but I also dislike many's not that hard to figure out. But the lists are a bit long. If you want to know, you have to be specific. Don't be afraid to ask me stuff.


Name? Look Up.

Age? In between ten and twenty.
I have noting witty for 17...

Sexuality? None of your business. I hate cybering. -.-''
I'm a proud supporter of LGBT Youth.

Relationship Status? In a relationship. ^^

Quote? "Life is easier lived when you don't expect it to be easy."

The best way to get to know me is to talk to me. You know you want to... wink

random facts x3

I really like clocks, rainbows, card suits, coca cola, fire, baseball, tea, mexican food, non-cheesy love poems/stories, babies, dark chocolate, eyes, oxford shirts, the smell of cigarettes, cosmopolitan magazine, rain, corsets, sleeping, football, shoes, the sky, algebra, milkshakes, comedies, animals, books, chess, butterflies, pirates, and faeries.

I don't like bad grammar/spelling (unless it's unintentional), people who see nudity as porn, volleyball, close-minded people, root beer, cockroaches, dolls, growing up, blood, accordions, timed essays, perfection, sudden loud noises, too much alcohol, wearing shoes, the smell of weed, soccer, feminists, braces, flashing lights, migraines, scars/cellulite/stretch marks, and vegetables.

I'm a dork/nerd/weirdo.

I tend to say before I think, so I'm often wrong.

I have a high IQ but because of what I stated above, I can contradict that.

I want to be a developmental psychologist or an Algebra teacher when I grow up.

I'm not religious. (I'm agnostic.)

I'm Irish, Scottish, Welsh, French, and Native American. smile I'm proud of my heritage, but I'm not racist in the slightest.

I'm a flawed human being and refuse to be perfect.

I have very interesting views on perfection.

I'm a proud Texan, and I do say y'all and occasionally say words that end with 'ing' as if it ended with just an 'in.' But I do know how to type without my southern accent.

I actually have a REALLY strong southern accent when I'm not forcing it down. :blush:

My hair is naturally dirty blonde/brown. I dyed it red because I've always wanted red hair, and it looks good on me.

I have hazel eyes. They're a mix between blue, green, and gray.

I'm not your average earth monkey.

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~Coca-Cola-is-better (Old Account)

StaceyMac (New Account)


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I'm her sister~! XP