
--Okami-Chan--'s avatar

Last Login: 05/07/2011 12:52 am

Registered: 09/26/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Holland

What I'm wearing right now


This is me

Oh hello! I'm Okami (of course, that's not my real name, but I'm not going to tell you my real name! If you need to know it, you probably know it already ;D)!

Let's see what I can say about myself...
First of all, I like music, and I like it A LOT. Especially Indie and Rock.
Some of my favourite bands:

*Franz Ferdinand
*Gogol Bordello
*Electric Six
*The All-American Rejects
*Maximö Park

And I love to draw, read and watch movies! I think Tim Burton's are really good, especially the new Alice in Wonderland. What do you think?

I guess that's all I have to say... 8D Just ask if you have any idea of a question, and I'll see if I can/want to answer. NO DIRTY QUESTIONS THOUGH! >: (

Oh, and if you're still reading, please check out my Deviantart gallery, ok? =3



Yay! I'm a electric type!

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Electric-types are extremely creative, sometimes hyperactive, and sometimes kind of naïve.


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SmithPresea Report | 05/07/2011 8:54 am
Thank you for buying from my store!
Confuzzled Penguin Report | 11/07/2009 10:24 am
Hey, random comment, I don't really know you, but your avatar is pretty cool looking.
mis_3a Report | 11/03/2009 2:16 pm
I'm good too thanks =D Halloween isn't really a big deal here, though I like Gaia's events biggrin
mis_3a Report | 10/31/2009 2:14 pm
Hi ^_^ long time, no speak ... How are you this Halloween?
Alizarin Crimson Report | 11/26/2008 7:51 am
Yes they are..missed this year but made the Last Day of the year before,....they had Pub sings, and lots of great music, wire walkers who juggled knives over your head, And have an ongoing storyline done by awesome people in real time, everyonne else is just a visitor to the market, as in a citizen versus Royalty or Artisian, or Pub Wench etc. The even had a Public Witch Dunking, which they announced bt using a Town Cryer who rang a bell....he came up to me and I said I'd like to go, but that I'd most likely be dunked. He was smart as heck, because his reply was, " As you are surely aware, they only try those that are innocent of the "crime"...lol" At the Very last few minutes they set of fireworks, and had a flame blower... and the wares, ie. jewelry, corsets, boots, gowns , swords, blades, cloaks, etc... were done by the finest people, but not too expensive, considering the craftmanship...you can see it on youtube...look up Maryland renaissace Festival, or MD renfest and pubsing or closing night as wall as either 2006 or 2007...

Lady Uranyia Il Astare....and more User Image
Alizarin Crimson Report | 11/25/2008 12:25 pm
Like your profile as well as likes, we have a lot in common as far as interests and beliefs....but I like spiders. Hate backstabbers. You will probably have fun at the fair, the can be awesome if the are done well...In Maryland we always have a several month Renessaince Festival...aka RenFest, but it is own of the few places were you see people in lots of styles, and of extreme differences in ideology...actually having fun together...not to mention the music, artisians, jousting, etc..plus free mead.
Rev The Pol Report | 10/26/2008 8:57 am
I know... D=
Rev The Pol Report | 10/26/2008 8:51 am
WHERE? -spaz-

...oh, right. ^^;
Jinkerbell Report | 10/17/2008 4:04 pm
Oh well thank you. Yours is cute too.
Kyo-san90 Report | 11/06/2007 3:09 am
hello and thank you for shoping.