Welcome to my profile. *bows* I am Serena, formerly known as Ying Fa Katherine Zheng and commonly known as Cherry. I am 20 years old and I am from everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Why? Because I don't belong anywhere yet I belong everywhere. Confused? Yes, good for you.
My hobbies are:
-annoying people, mainly my family and best friends;
-listening to music;
-being as clumsy as I can;
-studying my butt off. Yes, I found out I LOVE studying. But it gets boring after a while.
I love sports, specially volley. I don't get to practise it a lot because most of my friends are too busy to play. I used to be a dark, shy girl, but now, thanks to College friends, I am still shy, but I manage to talk more easily to people. Even though my skills to keep convos going are very inferior to those of my friends. I love listening people talking though.
If you don't like me, then bug off. If you do, I'll be happy to be your friend, as long as you don't start saying I have to change. If that happens, I'm kicking your a**. I've ended friendships for that. So don't try to get in my black list and you'll be fine.
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