
"What the hell happened to us?
Where did it go wrong?
I don't understand it at all, its my ******** free fall
I'm standing here watching time go by
******** it all, i just want to die
Every ounce of pain is killing my steps
Its so scary Lord, all this ******** s**t
Its hard to open up my eyes and see what i did to myself
This s**t is just goes on everyday
Seems like dreams are melting away
What do you have in store for me?
My life is a wreck, and i ******** it up all by myself
You must be proud of my mom, i'm ******** crazy!
I can't believe i still remember my name
I don't remember when i believed in angels....i don't remember when i had friends
Things just seem out to get me, what the ******** do you have in store for me?
I can't say i won't try...i can't say i won't live
I just want things to be back to normal, but ******** thats too hard isn't it?
"Things happen for a reason" thats all people have got to say!
My life was beautiful, now its lying in ruins
Upon your thresh hold...
Is this what i was suppose to be? My own ******** enemy?
I cannot say whats to answer, and I'm not God
Maybe if i hold on a bit longer...things will be fine"
Copyrighted, 2008/ Tara Petersen