Viewing [Chip]'s profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Good day, and welcome to my profile.

I am but a humble college kid in pursuit of an English major. When not nose-diving into a book, I camp, dance, draw, sing--though it has been debated how well, play the piano, swim, write, laugh, live, and love. I am recently married to the most wonderful man in the world, Jeffrey.


Currently Questing:

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Art Submissions

This proves to be a journal of my archived drawings and commissions from over the years. Please feel free to browse at your leisure and critique as you will. Chip*~


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 05/02/2012 2:20 pm


*reading through my old comments*

iiRawr Chew

Report | 03/06/2012 1:06 pm

iiRawr Chew

:O thats awsome, thankyou so much for telling me :3
iiRawr Chew

Report | 03/05/2012 12:26 pm

iiRawr Chew

hey i just bought that frog thingy from you and i noticed you had a cool Ava :B, I was wondering what that "Play With Me" thing was called? c:
Chimerical Reaction

Report | 11/02/2011 4:01 pm

Chimerical Reaction

Aww, thank you!
I'm glad you like my steampunk Alice. :3
By the way, I wish I could find the words for this story. I can see it in my mind clearly, but when I want to put it on paper my mind is like "Herpaderp, how do words?"
Kimiko Doll

Report | 10/19/2011 1:58 pm

Kimiko Doll

hey how did you get inside the mirror?
i have that same mirror from antique shop and it doesn't let my avi go inside the mirror.
Sage Winters

Report | 10/19/2011 1:01 am

Sage Winters

Thank you. heart
As always you have an equally amazing avatar. 3nodding
x - S h i k y o

Report | 09/11/2011 6:30 pm

x - S h i k y o

thank so much for the compliments <3
I like your profile as well cool

My profile is really old. XD; I should actually change it haha~
Teh Le Watermelon

Report | 09/08/2011 5:57 pm

Teh Le Watermelon

Not much longer. And that's part of the reason I love it anyway. To me, it should be Christmas time all the time. :] Peanuts is fantastic as well.
Teh Le Watermelon

Report | 09/06/2011 6:16 pm

Teh Le Watermelon

Love the Christmas music on your profile!
Chimerical Reaction

Report | 02/14/2011 7:43 pm

Chimerical Reaction


One of the best decapitation-based romantic holidays evar!



Recently married to the most amazing man in the world!