Little Kitty Citten

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Last Login: 01/19/2024 11:30 pm

Registered: 11/08/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Minnesota

Birthday: 10/23/1990

Occupation: Film Crew and Sales Associate

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Dis is da about me Translation: This is the About me Section

"All this running around, well it's getting me down. Just give me a pain that I'm used to. I don't need to believe all the dreams you conceive. You just need to achieve something that rings true" - Depeche Mode "A Pain That I Am Used To"

Hey, I'm Christina, but I have many nicknames like: kitten, kitty, Chrissy, Stina, Christy, Christin, Chris-Chris, Chris, Tina, Hina, Little Imp, Pumpkin, Crispy, Gothic Minx ...etc.. I prefer Chrissy or Kitten or Kitty. I'm 24. I have two sisters a mom, a dad, 5 cats, a turtle and a bunch of other aquatic animals. Only two of the cats are truly mine, but I love all the animals to death. Only one the furry white little devilish fluff ball lives with me and my hunny. I’m 5’ 4,” very thin, and a dirty blonde is my natural hair color. I have dyed it purple before and it faded to a lovely pink. I wanted to go blue but, then, I got a job that requires you to have a natural hair color.

I take my vitamins every morning. I have to take children’s or gummy vitamins because the other ones make me feel sick to my stomach. I have asthma. It sucks. I’ve also been having less and less trouble with it since I moved out of my parents. I work two jobs currently, a movie theater and a thrift store. I have been trying for two years to get a supervisor position at the AMC. Goodwill sort of makes you feel stuck where you’re at. I’m not a workaholic although I don’t know for sure what to do when I’m not at work. I just feel the need to keep busy. I am debating taking online classes to add further education to myself. I already have my Associate of Arts ( A Glorified Generals Degree). I also like learning things. It makes me feel…. Stimulated.

I'm a Moderate when it comes to politics. I don't like shots at the doctor’s office because I am so thin it almost always feels like they are scraping bone. I am deathly afraid of needles (shots), spiders, and being alone. I’ve been in love three times and gotten my heart broken twice. Don’t say “you’re young, you’ll find someone.” I’ve been dating since I was 13, and only fallen in love three times out of 11 relationships. I'm really happy with my sweetheart right now. He treats me.... like... like he actually loves me and it's.... an amazing feeling. I

I like food, especially sweets. My favorite food is Steak followed closely by Salmon. I drink a little bit socially. I enjoy my fruity drinks. I don’t go overboard. The last time I was truly drunk was Halloween of 2013. It was a goodnight and I don’t regret it. My favorite thing to drink though isn’t alcohol… It’s Milk. I also am a fan of most teas. Jasmine Dragon Pheonix Pearls is my favorite one but it’s not common so Earl Grey is a very close second. I like coffee too. I am a fan of the Campfire Mocha from Caribou and Turtle Mochas. I love fruits of all shapes and sizes however berries are very top. My favorite vegetable is oddly broccoli.

My favorite board game is Quarto. I play a variety of different board games and love them all. If you ever want to have a board game night let me know. I can say that I might be more than willing. I still need to get the complete Cards Against Humanity. My favorite number is 8 and favorite letter is J.

I adore music and would love to be introduced to more. My music is a VERY wide variety so any genre is okay. I would high-five myself in public. I enjoy doing the laundry. I enjoy the smell and feel of nice fresh clean clothes. I hate taking out the garbage. I love anime and manga. I like to play on the computer. I play sometimes on the PS4 that my hunny and I have. I still don’t get all the controls though. I am a big weirdo, just ask my friends. I love Chinese food and I know how to eat with chopsticks.

I don't believe that everyone in prison is a criminal. I think the U.S. can be very corrupt and selfish, but so can a lot of people and places. I have never been to a concert. I’ve been to two Twins games and a lynx game. I do have a pretty fierce temper but I keep it pretty tame and vent to friends to get it out of my system. The last time I actually reacted and did something with my temper was over 10 years ago so I’d like to say I have a pretty tight rein on it.

My favorite colors are purple, red, and black. I get cold a lot, like 90% of the time. It might have something to do with being thin but I am a girl. I adore hugs. I hate backstabbers. People overreact a lot. I'm bi. What else do you want me to say? I draw. I read. I write. I like getting letters in the mail. I like to get to know people. I love crayons. I, also, enjoy painting. I love random little knick knacks. Stuffed animals are soft and fuzzy and amazing. I sadly don’t have many of them anymore.

I enjoy dressing up. I’m a true girly girl sometimes. I enjoy dressing up and posing for pictures. It makes me very extremely happy. Skirts and dresses have invaded my wardrobe. Corsets are also a big thing that I love. I prefer to leave my hair down than to put it up. I enjoy ribbons, lace, silk, satin, and velvet. I also like the feel of really soft things. One of my hobbies is also costuming. I love to come up with new and fun costumes. They make me feel good about myself and I feel like I look good in them.

I can be wild and crazy. I like shiny, pointy, and sparkly things. So knives and swords entertain me for a while. I've had a concussion before. I believe in love not hook-ups. What else do you want me to tell you about me? Usually, I am a nice person that just likes to smile. I'm pretty random and creative. I love hanging out with my friends. They're such a wide variety. We make such an odd group when we're all together. I get some many ideas in my head and so many thoughts about how life can be a story and I love writing those ideas down and seeing how they turn out. With reading stories, I can escape into the unknown. I love drawing and sketching sometimes when I'm bored you'll see me doing that. I love being onstage. I will admit to being a bit of a nerd and enjoy playing the game of Runescape. Who doesn’t have a nerdy quality though.

I believe in talking nice to slot machines and seeing if that helps you win. I am a little bit competitive and I enjoy a challenge. I like going out in the summer and having fun or going out in the spring and going on walks through the park or across a dam. I enjoy swimming although I can only swim in a pool. Something about freezing up in a lake and not being able to move might be a part of that. I probably haven't seen a movie that you like, but don't hesitate to ask or invite me to see it with you. I will start watching some more though do to work and I do watch Netflix. If there’s a movie on there that you would suggest I would love to hear it. Netflix has introduced me to watching more TV shows as well so I love suggestions. I’ve recently started watching House. It really is a good show.

My dream car is a Chevorlet Stingray Corvette from either ’76 or ’78. I would want it in red or purple with black seats. I’d want it to have suitable tires for Minnesota. I would want it to be able to go fast. I like fast. I’d want it to purr though not roar. I’d want the glass tinted so that I didn’t have to wear sunglasses in the car. I can’t even really wear sunglasses anyway because of my glasses. I don’t really like trucks because they’re sort of big and bulky. The smart cars are a little too small for me and I’d feel like I was in a safety hazard. I don’t like box cars. The element and the cube and things like that look too much like a breadbox on wheels to me.

My favorite flower is the stereotypical rose. I don’t know it’s just a beautiful flower to me. I love floral smells. My favorite candy is currently a Snicker’s Bar. I don’t have a favorite book although I love the Wheel of Time and the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Series. They are amazing, which should tell you that I am a big lover of fantasy. However, I am a big fan of just about anything you put in front of me. I get songs stuck in my head all the time. My favorite day is Saturday.

I love life and being amongst people. It’s one of the greatest pleasures to me. I admit that I am still trying to figure out who I am even though I am 24. I still have a lot to learn about me. I know the basics, but I almost feel as if I grew up too fast and didn’t learn a lot that I really should have for life. I am still trying to figure out what I like and what I don’t like. I believe in responsibility, family, and friendship. Truth is high on the list of things I believe in. I believe in my hunny too. I really say get to know me before you judge me.

Ask questions if you want and really congrats if you read the whole thing it was over 1000 words in total.

Thank you for your time,

What you say to me Please?

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DjDirtyPanda Report | 08/10/2012 8:59 pm
Neko-Hime-Chan Report | 04/20/2011 4:54 pm
haha I know how that goes..^_^ k but don't stress out TOO much?
Neko-Hime-Chan Report | 04/16/2011 12:01 pm
yeah that's a good idea smile don't stress out too much!!
clocloxx23 Report | 04/13/2011 2:58 pm
thank you for buying smile !!!
Neko-Hime-Chan Report | 04/07/2011 9:19 am
haha same here.. I don't know what I'm going t do with my life yet ^^
Neko-Hime-Chan Report | 03/28/2011 4:37 pm
Kitty!! biggrin I'm doing alright!! I was in the snow for spring break and it was AMAZING!! COLD, but still awesome~! I tried to make maple syrup candy~! heheh

How have you been??


[img:8cba579004] and rp characters/okiesdokies.jpg[/img:8cba579004]

I love ALL Roleplay *hint hint* so give me a shout some time.[/color:8cba579004][/size:8cba579004][/align:8cba579004]


My stalkers Lol ^-^ Don't worry I love you


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