Viewing fuzic's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


PhD Candidate, I teach at Uni... I like to go swimming, horseback ride and I've been here for a while. Thinking where the heck are my old Gaia buddies. mad mad Please don't send me a friend request. Also, I'm not particularly fond of random PM's.. unless I've hinted I'd like one.


Random rants and stuff

This is just my random rants for myself, and others who give a crap.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 10/08/2024 5:57 am


omg youre online!!

Report | 11/28/2023 5:37 am


Lord Mephisto

Report | 07/27/2023 11:19 am

Lord Mephisto

Yeah, pretty much just CB if you want to find people posting -_-
Lord Mephisto

Report | 01/14/2022 1:53 am

Lord Mephisto

Yeah - what do you do when you get on here these days? I mostly lurk around and buy and sell a few bits for NOSTALGIA... ninja
Lord Mephisto

Report | 12/17/2021 3:00 am

Lord Mephisto

Oh man - thinking of this place in context of NFTs surprised - at least if they did it that way they couldn't just keep re-releasing collectible stuff rofl

Bet they would love to do it now if they had the audience and the resources

Report | 12/16/2021 1:47 pm


ty for visiting <3
Lord Mephisto

Report | 11/01/2021 11:27 am

Lord Mephisto

I am old - *looks at journal* - you still selling 5k sealeds? biggrin DD How's life treating you?
Lord Mephisto

Report | 04/20/2020 12:18 pm

Lord Mephisto

-glomp- ARE YOU ALIVE?
Lord Mephisto

Report | 12/18/2019 7:29 am

Lord Mephisto

poke ninja
Lord Mephisto

Report | 09/26/2018 7:36 am

Lord Mephisto

I pop by, I lurk, I leave, mostly... You? X

