- Last Login
- 07/10/2012 12:19 am
- Total Posts
- 491
- Posts Per Day
- 0.07
- Member Since
- 11/10/2006
- Location
- earth
- Gender
- Male
- Favorite Movies/Anime
- movies: forrest gump pirates of the caribbean 1-3 lord of the rings trilogy 300 the movie rust hour 1 and 2 and many more anime: bleach naruto one piece death note alot more but i forgot there names
- Favorite TV Shows
- CSI: Crime Scene Investigation pimp my ride simpsons family guy scrubs and a hole bunch of more stuff
- Favorite Reads
- books: where the red fern grows and spirit bear comic: punisher and marvel civil war manga: death note one piece naruto
- Favorite Music/Bands
- none realy i like most music
- Hobbies/Interests
- a lot of stuff i like
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