I enjoy school. Especially courses involving history and languages.I do not enjoy math or science.
I do find the two to be incredibly interesting, though.
I believe chess to be the best board game. Clue is a close second.
I'm not good at either.
Winter > Summer
Autumn < Spring
Snow is pretty. I want to live somewhere cold or mountainous.
Or maybe somewhere dry and warm.
Just no humidity.
I love to read.
I enjoy sci-fi anime and I sometimes play video games.
Currently, I'm having trouble with my lack of enthusiasm about most things.
But I don't care.
This "About Me" section just looks like a bar graph, to me.
Right now I love reading and Delta Spirit and not much else.
My Signs:
SH0EMAKER <3s me.
This is Chester the turtle, made for me by my good friend Sex 0n The TV.
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I'm quite all right. Beside being drunk, how are you?
what your like
your funny
ill drunk comment you one day
wait your drinkin now right
Do not hide your face. I won't stand for it heart
night night
I've been alright. Yourself?