Viewing Heavy Metal Princess's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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Hi! Welcome to my profile! as you can tell, I love Cowboy Bebop! ^.^ I was lucky enough to have saved this layout on wordpad back before the layout place went bellyup. Anyway.. enjoy your time in my profile ^.^

Um a little about myself.. well let's see.. I love to fish and go skating and camping. I enjoy playing video games too ^.^ Guitar Hero being my favorite, naturally ^.^ My other fav game would be Mercenary's Two for XBox360. The game rules from what I can see through the commercials.

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I'm engaged to be married. So please forgive me if I'm not on a whole lot. I spend a lot of time with my fiancee.. plus I'm raising a kitten ^.^ So that takes a lot of time as well. But I wouldn't trade the kitten for the world.. On the subject of animals, I have a kitten and a dog. The dog is more my mother's.. but it was supposed to be mine. I went to my dad's for a few weeks to go camping..came home and the dog snubbed me x.x' so now its not mine technically. Though I got the kitten, so all is good.

Also before anyone gives me grief for still living with my mother, I'm 21 years old.. However I'm disabled. I really can't do too much aside from sit at the comp or sleep. No-one will hire me due to health hazzards... like breathing issues and back issues.. the list goes on. As such, I'm disabled and have no other choice but to stay with my mother.

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I have my own beliefs too. I believe strongly in animal rights. Animals are people too! They may be furry and that may not be able to speak, but for ******** sake... BE NICE TO THE ANIMALS! Those who are cruel to animals deserve to have their nuts or tits sliced off... depending on gender of course. Animals deserve to be spoiled and treated like children ^.^ after all.. think about it.. you get them as kittens or puppies.. you raise them do you not? Therefore wouldn't it only make sense to love and spoil them as if they were your children?

I'm also a stoner ^.^ I know... how ironic. Well I'm a stoner.. I look at it this way. It's a ******** plant.. it grows in the ground.. as does tobacco. You smoke tobacco don't you? Well then what's wrong with weed? I see nothing wrong with it.. and my ancestors smoked it.. what do you think was in a peace pipe my friends? It was WEED!

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I'm atheist. I do not believe in god. So don't go shoving religion down my ******** throat. You'll find that's the quickest way to make enemies with me. You don't want to do that now do you? Be smart and be friends with me. Being enemies with me is not a wise thing to do. Do not argue with me.. you will not win. If I know I'm right, I'll make damn sure you get my point.

I also believe in the words of Foamy! He's the lord and master after all ^.^ Plus Foamy just rules. END OF STORY!

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I also like it when people draw me avi art ^.^ so feel free to draw my avi anytime.. as long as you show me the pic when you're done ~.^

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currently that's the avi i'd like someone to draw for me. Though even if it never gets done, it's still something nice to think about.

Also, as an update... I am questing! Please help me.. Please donate ^.^ I'd really appreciate the help everyone.

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Total Value: 549,285 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Kung Fu Panda Bamboo Staff
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Elemental Hair
Gift of the Goddess
Superior Form
Oculus Mythica
Deluxe Cat Ears
Cat Tail
Heart of Gold
Black and Gold Oversized Bangles
Black and Gold Oversized Bangles
Oni Set
Oni Set


Viewing 10 of 10 friends


The Notes Of A Goth Kitty

Well.. I am me. I'm engaged to be married ^.^ and I hope to one day have a few kids.. maybe four tops. What can I say.. I want a big family. Um... hmm.. I love heavy metal and doom metal. Also like the older music like Ozzy and Kiss. I guess if you r



Viewing 5 of 5 comments.


Report | 12/25/2008 11:06 pm


Happy Holidays!~ Thank you for the gift!~ User Image

Report | 12/24/2008 1:36 pm


Thank you!

Happy Christmas.

Report | 12/14/2008 1:38 am



Report | 11/23/2008 5:58 pm


Hey thanks so much.

Report | 10/28/2008 7:32 am




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