halooo thaaar.

my name ish michelle;;my buddehs can call meh michie :]]
my burffdai ish on march 12th ;]] presentz, pleesh?
i ish fifteen going on sixteen;;woot, driver's licsense soon ;]]
i live with meh brother && sister && parents ;]]
i ish really nice;;just don't be a beetch around meh ;]]
it isn't hard to impress meh ;]] entertain meh :]]
i ish asian and proud;;pinay to be exact :]]
i live in california;;ohh..awesome californian genius :]]
i luff music. music is awesome, mmkay?

add meh if you like :]]
ignore me if you're crazi ;]]
talk to meh if you're sane :]]
trade stuffz with meh if you're luffable :]]

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zomg! ish michie a vegetarian?!
oh he!! no. :]] i'mm not a vegetarian;;
i just luff veggies && animals :]]
eating animals though is okay with meh;;
but i usually eat veggies && other yummy foods :]]

zomg! ish michie a girly-girl?!
i hate you you for thinking that. >8B
i am not a girly-girl, mmkay? i just
enjoy trends && making myself not look
like an idiot in public. >8B

zomg! ish michie a rocker?!
kinda ;]] i mean, i like rock
&& meh brother is a bit rocker;;
but i mean, i like other types of music other
than rock
:]] but never forget this kiddos:
rock music rocks meh socks off ;]]