
Sex: yes please xd (jk) Female

Birthday: December 6

Religious Views: atheist

In Short: I'm a silly young girl, currently studying at university, loving anthropology and archaeology. I enjoy browsing the web and Gaia has become something of a ritual evening habit. I enjoy reading, RP'ing, hanging out with friends and so on and so forth. I think another way to learn a little more about me is to read my favourite quotes. So feel free to scroll down and hopefully I'll see yah around soon biggrin !


Caelestis Profugi: A Literate Role Play Guild A tight community of awesome people and great role-plays. They are always happy to welcome new writers biggrin

Favourite Threads:

The Chibi shop of a friend of mine, she's very good!

The A-Z Book Game
One has to post the title of a book that begins in the letter the last book ended with. It's a fun little thing for people who read lots of books and have too much time on their hands xd !

You know you've read too much when..
I'm not very good at coming up with these but I enjoy reading the responses other people have ^^

sieber_girls Guide to Being a Well Dressed Gaian
There are plenty of these floating around on the Gaia web but this is the one I fell for as a newbie XD. I enjoy it, it's simple, concrete advice and tips on how to dress and how to make the most of your gold. Definetly worth checking out =)!

Gaia Related Web Pages

A must for anyone who visits gaia frequently. They have many things such as profiles, dream avatar creator, quest bar etc.

Favourite Quotes:

Men, their rights and nothing more: women, their rights and nothing less.
- Susan B. Anthony

Il vaut mieux hasarder de sauver un coupable que de condamner un innocent.
- Voltaire

If you don't read the newspaper, you are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed.
- Mark Twain

We are nothing more than what we imagine ourselves to be.
- Henrik Ibsen

You build little worlds, little stories, little shells around your mind and that keeps infinity at bay and allows you to wake up in the morning without screaming!
- A Hat full of Sky, by Terry Pratchett

Maturity is knowing you were an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is knowing that you'll be an idiot in the future.
- random internet signature quote

Goodmorning is an oxymoron
- random internet sig quote

I've got nothing against God.
It's his fanclub that I can't stand.
- Fridge magnet

Me? I'm dishonest, and a dishonest man you can always trust to be dishonest. Honestly! It's the honest ones you want to watch out for, because you can never predict when they're going to do something incredibly......stupid.
-Cap'n Jack sparrow

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Me + The Gaia Universe

Anything and everything, but I expect most of my posts here will be about Gaia, what I think about it, plans, ideas, questions etc.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Thais Imai

Report | 11/02/2011 8:53 am

Thais Imai

your kitty cat is the cutest heart
Raeyna Ficst

Report | 04/18/2011 1:07 pm

Raeyna Ficst

good luck with your big paper!

Report | 03/11/2011 11:14 am


Ah... Um... I dunno. Maybe. I have TONS of work to do this weekend so maybe if I get most of it done we can go? Sorry, I'd be more decisive if I was sure I could get all my work done, but since I have no idea when it'll all get done... then maybe.

Report | 03/11/2011 11:00 am


You can be so... dumb sometimes. xP You go to your full inventory and there'll be a little number in the bottom right corner of the picture if you have more than one. And you click on it , and a little window-ish thing pops up with "equip item" "gift item" "sell item" "donate item" and "close". then you just sell it. It doesn't work on everything, but anything that you can buy in the shops can also be sold back to the shops.

Report | 03/11/2011 10:39 am


LOL I didn't even notice I was buying it from you 'til after I bought it. xD
I just buy them when they're less than half the store price and sell them to the stores. It's a quick way to make a little bit of gold when I'm procrastinating work. Like now. xD
Erratic Rhapsody

Report | 02/28/2011 6:55 pm

Erratic Rhapsody

:] Welcome.
Erratic Rhapsody

Report | 02/28/2011 2:24 pm

Erratic Rhapsody

Aww! Your avi just looks so cute!

Report | 02/22/2011 9:46 am


Thank you!

Report | 02/02/2011 7:42 pm


cool avi

Report | 12/14/2010 12:54 pm


Aw thanks feel free to add me then ^^


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