Hello evey one.
Welcome to my profile. If you have been here before you will noticed i maid some modifications.
About my self. I love to wright, creat, draw, imagin, other words story line, if i had the pasion for it i am sure i would love to read.
I just don;t prefer to read, I find my self loseing intrest in it, to many plot flaws exstra exstra, it gets boring to me, To creat your own world as you read, If i where to do that i mine well right the story my self, Seem Compleatly wothless to me actaly, It may be some people cup of tea but if i want to be entertained I simply rather lisent to some music, watch a movie, go exsersize, paint draw, go to a musem even look at other peopel art work, like in the art fourm thats the kind of culture i enjoy.
I love sports, I am pritty active person.
I love kids i work with kids, Pre school at the moment.
I am the only male there, witch is kind of wierd, but o love those kids, there dear to me, and dear to my heart, and will for ever remember them.
MY goals, I want to finshe colage to be a teacher and when i am done my degree i plane on taking a faction in italy for the summer.
Why italy you ask, its the art capital of the world, i want to be inspired again, over the last cople of year i find my self more discunected to art evey day, i want to rekindal my pations and what better way then going to the most artistic city in the world.
So i will try to study itian not yet but i will probly one or two years of it before i go over there.
Well thats about it please enjoy my Vincent valentime fedish lol best characher ever. as you can see by my vincent valentime them:
done for me by a fiend i offerd her a free drawling then i colored it becase i was bord and at the end of the day she like this is for you and i was like blink i am totaly adding this to my profile.
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