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Sash0 Report | 02/23/2019 4:00 pm
Yep I’m enjoying it except for gaps in voiced scenes some have some don’t in this game of Jump Force
I haven’t played Stardew but have heard of seen game cases to harvest moon. I downloaded extras for Fatal
Bullet but haven’t played it in a while plus a theme I really really like. I’ve tried but wanted to watch it at work but
For some reason wifi works on some of my apps and safari but not crunchy roll or App Store so haven’t got round
to it quite yet. How are you
Sash0 Report | 02/15/2019 3:54 am
Holiday feel like they go fast but is still nice to have, Yeah I was lucky with my PS Vita
I’ve started playing the new PS4 game Jump Force, have you played anything lately?
I only noticed they released a SAO fatal bullet theme and add on last month. Annoying thing
is to get the Nexus expansion you have to get other add on already got. I got the other three add on as
they came out. So other new add on isn’t worth getting. Hope you’re doing okay over there,
we’ve had weather in 30s which feels hot during day.
Sash0 Report | 02/10/2019 12:41 pm
Oh wow that sounds interesting, I’m on holiday in Picton Waikawa atm with family. We head back home in four days.
Got unlimited data which is cool while we’re up here. Had my PS Vita crash which spooked me out cause my nephew got it from charger
When I was away with rest of family it had a green light and screen wouldn’t turn on. Finally got restart button but my account etc was missing
when it finally came back on. I had to find a free wifi to get my account and games/save data back.
Sash0 Report | 02/08/2019 5:53 pm
Thank you. how are you?
Sash0 Report | 01/02/2019 3:40 am
Oh and Happy New Year
Sash0 Report | 01/02/2019 3:39 am
Thanks. I hope you have a great 2019 also emotion_kirakira
Sash0 Report | 12/26/2018 7:52 pm
I enjoy Pokemon Go eevee it’s fun you can ride Pokemon which is different to bike and also and play in go park once got enough of one kind of Pokemon. And the special moves don’t take up Pokemon moves/attacks.
Hope you’re job searching goes okay. And FFXIV I haven’t played since subscriptions on top of games annoy me.
Hope you’re going okay
Sash0 Report | 12/25/2018 2:08 am
Your very welcome, I’ve been busy with work and tired but okay am hoping it will calm down a little after the start of the new year,
Been playing Pokemon let’s go eevee on Nintendo Switch and working shopping for xmas etc. and tidyding a little when feel up to it.
How are you going?
Sash0 Report | 12/24/2018 5:57 pm
Good so far thank you and hope yours is going good also
Sash0 Report | 12/24/2018 1:43 pm
Merry Christmas 🎄



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A Problem

A Problem's avatar

Birthday: 08/27/1987


Hello everyone!

(Somewhat) returned to Gaia after a sizable hiatus.

Age: 34, Male.

Interests: Anime, Manga, Games (I currently own a PS4, Switch, and PC), investing/trading, various countries/cultures across the globe (Japan, Sweden, and others), and 90's nostalgia. I work in sales/tech support, and on the side I am a volunteer webmaster for an avian research facility. I'm always very open to conversation as well as meeting new people.