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niedlich_Nudel Report | 07/01/2010 5:50 pm
Hai, I stumbled across your profile and noticed our names are spelled the same. >w<
I never seen someone with my name. You're a cool cat. 8D
Have a nice day. (:
Death_By_A_Teacup Report | 03/17/2010 11:07 am
Sadly, my pet. I don't think we'll be able to continue the rp.
Life has gotten far too hectic at this point and I might not even be able to log in for some time.
I am sorry, darling.
Chaos Gadget Report | 03/10/2010 9:58 am
Chaos Gadget
I know! D: i miss chu
Chaos Gadget Report | 03/09/2010 8:50 pm
Chaos Gadget
Dringdar Report | 03/09/2010 5:36 pm
Eww work. Work ish awful.
Death_By_A_Teacup Report | 03/09/2010 10:46 am
I am sorry, my dear.
I've been lagging behind on our roleplay, it's cruel of me because I enjoy it so much.
I've somehow landed myself up in some complicated love twist and handling with a bbit of a cold.
ADDED to that, I now have an odd school and work schedule.
It's stupid.
Dringdar Report | 03/09/2010 5:34 am
Don't worry about replying to the rp. It's not your fault your teachers are overly demanding.
Just reply when and if you can.
Anyways, how was the trip out of town? A vacation or something else?
Dringdar Report | 03/08/2010 9:16 pm
~playful poke~ Hi. I don't see you on often sad Makes me sad.
Death_By_A_Teacup Report | 03/08/2010 8:07 pm
Dealing with school and love affairs at the moment.
Dringdar Report | 02/21/2010 2:57 pm


-koie_twen-'s avatar

Last Login: 04/12/2014 6:25 pm

Registered: 02/21/2007

Gender: Female

Location: In the middle of an evergreen desert (or is it dessert?)

Birthday: 08/15

Occupation: Student

Hot Mess


Well, this is still under construction. Deal with it.

Anyways, my name is Michaela. But you can just call me Kay, Kayla, Koie, Twen, etc. And NO, Ira, not "Mickey"... >_> Currently, I live in Washington. State. Go Cougs. Haha, we suck xD. I have pets. I <3 my pets. My heroes right now happen to be Bret (Not Brit) and Jemaine (Not Jermaine) from FOTC <3333, oh and Barats and Bareta. =)

Want to know stuff about me? Go ahead and ask.

"If you can't or won't stand behind your troops, feel free to stand in front of them"

I know that you think you know what I said. But I'm not sure whether you understood that what you heard is what I meant.

I like random PMs and comments. Currently I'm questing avi art, and signs. I tip. >.o Oh, and I'll make signs as well, PM me if you happen to be interested.

All about yourself...

First name:: Look above...
Like your name?:: I like >most< my nicknames. =3
Named after anyone?:: Not at all.
Birthplace?:: Pullman (so not exciting.)
Time you were born?:: 3am I enjoy keeping people up all night against their will. >.<
Current location?:: In another's arms.
Eye color?:: Blue-Gray
Contacts/glasses?:: Lovely vision that gets better with time
Hair color?:: Dirty blond
Natural hair color?:: Dirty blond still
Dye your hair often?:: Not on purpose at least. o.o
Righty or lefty?:: Righty, for most things.

Your favorite...

Type of music?:: Lots of types...
Band or singer?:: Too many to say.
TV show?:: Lost, Chuck, Big Bang Theory
Movie?:: Black Hawk Down, Zombieland
TV channel?:: USA
Radio station?:: 94.9
Place to be?:: Out with my friends, laughing it up.
Thing to do?:: Haha um... pass?
Food?:: Lasagna
Non alcoholic drink?:: V8
Alcoholic drink?:: Strawberry Margarita
Animal?:: Timber Wolf
Holiday?:: New Years
Season?:: Summer
Sport?:: Tennis/Volleyball
Place to shop?:: Don't like shopping xP
Clothing brand?:: How should I know?
Restaurant?:: The Emerald
Fruit?:: Tomatoes OwO
Vegetable?:: does V8 count?
Fast food restaurant?:: Cougar Country
Pizza topping?:: Cheese, lotsa cheese.
Ice cream flavor?:: Cookies n' Cream
Magazine?:: None
City?:: Poughkeepsie
Color?:: Blue, Silver, Black...

This or that...

Chocolate or vanilla?:: Swirl baby >.o
Pepsi or coke?:: eh? Mix it..
Hot or cold?:: I like it hott
Dog or cat?:: Puppy <3
French toast or pancakes?:: French is the only way to go
French fries or onion rings?:: Same as before
Hamburger or hot dog?:: Um... chicken strips.
Pepperoni or sausage?:: Ew.
Britney or Christina?:: Oh god, don't even go there.
McDonalds or Burger King?:: Neither. Ever. Never.
50 Cent or Eminem?:: Eminem
Canada or Mexico?:: Canadia. They're out to get us >D
Hug or kiss?:: Kiss
Movies or TV?:: Movies
Truth or dare?:: Dare D<

Do you...

Shower daily?:: Yup
Sing in the shower?:: If I do, you're not likely to find out.
Like to sing?:: If no one is around...
Like to dance?:: Haha Pole dancing... Good times...
Smoke?:: Never
Drink?:: Maybe...
Cuss?:: A 'lil
Talk to yourself?:: I would hope not.
Believe in yourself?:: Um. What?
Play an instrument?:: I used to play a couple..
Have a job?:: A minor one at the moment
Like your job?:: Meh.
Want to get married?:: At some point
Want to have kids?:: Of course, just not quite yet.
Get along with your parents?:: Haha. Ha. Ha. Are you kidding me? No.
Get along with your siblings?:: It's a bit complicated...
Join guilds?:: Sure, why not?

User Image
Total Value: 832,096 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Red Wine Pimpin' Hat
Buttoned Down Feather Boots
Zhivago's Underwear
Berry Tavern Wench's Bustier
Burned Apocaripped Scarf
Red And Maroon Reversible Hair Pins
Red And Maroon Reversible Bracelets
Red And Maroon Reversible Bracelets
Wed to Darkness
Oisin's Blessing
Grim Sonata
Leto Alatza
Phillers McDillers
Chaos Gadget
The Chaplain of Insanity
That Ska Kidd
Jounin Josh