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Jesus Is Muffins's avatar

Last Login: 10/05/2019 9:46 am

Registered: 02/27/2007

Gender: Female


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Name: Rachael but you can give me nicknames..I love nicknames
Age: Since this sadly changes more frequently than I feel like updating this (crazy I know) do the math from my date of birth.
Date of Birth: 8/2/1993 mmkay
Place of Birth: For none of you to ever find out
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual; I love those pretty girlies and handsom gents but there is only one for me.
Status: Single.
Anything Else: I'm a vegetarian. Have been for quite a while now. Yay!
Most common things I say: Awesome, adorable, cool, cute, etc.
Poor helpless and defenseless little animals (No matter how big the animal is that I'm talking about)
Things I can't say: Kit Kitrage(or whatever. Can't say it, how do you expect me to remember it?) Specific(Pacific in my words), favorite(favrit), figure(figger), pretzel(prenzel), salmon(I don't know if that's the corret spelling but I pronounce it as Sawl mon), Abominable(I just can't say it at all. I get all tongue tied) and others that I haven't discovered.

My friends
Randomly hitting on people
Guitar Hero
Hot Topic
Photography {Nature}

Likes: Stalking people {I don't know...some times I just get bored}
Final Fantasy

Dislikes: Seriousness
Highpitched shrieks for a laugh
People who laugh at EVERYTHING!
Many peoples

Hates: Smokers and alcoholics
Posers, liars, etc.
People who try to drag me into their obsessions
Many peoples actions in general
TWILIGHT OBESSIONS (Don't dare talk to me about how ******** hott you think Edward is because in the movie he wasn't that attractive and I didn't like it at all. The books were really good but it's not the bible so don't worship it.

Wants: Someone to make a shrine of me
A Stalker
People to stop asking me if I'm okay
To become an art teacher

Fears: Dolls
Hair Curler
The thought of loosing a limb or something like that in a weird way. {for example...have a plunger fall on your face and suck out your eye}
Someone puking on me
Killing a baby. (I'm sorry this sounds really weird, but what if you accidentally killed someone? It's like my biggest fears. I know I only put baby here, but that's because it's actually reasonable. Babies are so tiny and fragile. Easily breakable creatures.)

I love to start "debates" and arguements..actually..I just like to be in them. You can start one because I most certainly won't unless I have a good reason to or I'm really pissed off about something. That usually results in arguements. Those are always fun.

For some reason everone likes to start heated debates about vegetarianism. Honestly, I've never seen anyone get so fired up about a dietary choice. I don't care if this is the best thing you can argue about, but if the best you can come up with is "We are made to eat meat. That is why we have beautiful white canines" how do you explain tonsels? You don't use them but we have them.


"Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life forms to monitor their ongoing decay"
-Mr Tubbs

"You're not under the influence of stars, baby"
-Mr. Learn

"Learn as if you were going to live forever. Live as if you were going to die tomorrow."
- Mahatma Gandhi

"If you should die before me, ask if you could bring a friend." -Stone Temple Pilots. {{band}}

"Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, it feels like an hour.Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, it feels like a minute. THAT'S relativity." ~ Einstein

"Be what you would seem to be. Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise."- from the Duchess, a character in Alice in Wonderland

"Our hearts so true, our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you. POKEMON! Gotta Catch 'Em All." xP;

"5 goes into 25, 14 times." Look it up on You tube to get it. =P

"and jesus IS muffins. Cupcakes are too sweet x3" -Non-Sexual Username

"Those who criticize our Generation forget who raised it!" -Annonomous

"When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it come to an end." -Stephenie Meyer's Twilight

"A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them." -John C. Maxwell

"God whispers in our pleasures, but shouts in our pain." -C.S. Lewis.

"When you are in Love you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams." -Dr. Seuss.

"To 'learn' history means to seek and find the forces which are the causes leading to those effects which we subsequentally percieve as historical events" -Adolf Hitler

"Believe half of what you see, and nothing that you hear." -Annoynomous

"At first I was all '. . .'

But then I put my Rape Face on" ~Sex Ist Nicht Der Feind

Give me more?

Currently working on:

User Image
Total Value: 1,702,263 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Ritzy White Pearl Necklace
Chuchip's Blessing
Powder Blue Sweet Lace Headband
Nervegas Crisis Dolls
Bullseye Shirt
Spirit Halo
Dander 4th Gen.
Gift Box
Powdered Sugarplum Tutu
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
Fallen Wish 9th Gen.
Teru Teru Bozu
Death Whisper (13th gen)

[Item Information]

Item List:
Red Gaia Feet Stockings
Yemaya's Pearl 6th Gen.
Demonic Pitchfork
Audrey's Little Black Dress
Wed to Darkness

Not a link = I already have it

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Last year was last year, yesterday was yesterday, but change today can change the rest of your life. So don't ******** mess up my day.


View All Comments

STD Coated Slut Report | 04/27/2022 2:49 pm
STD Coated Slut
GummeyBear Report | 04/23/2011 3:59 am
heya how are you doing ? which easter egg team are you with?
KingBet Report | 04/05/2011 8:59 pm
Don Kilo Report | 10/05/2010 7:23 pm
Don Kilo
Do you have ink i can buy off you.
The Killer Memories Report | 05/26/2010 6:37 pm
The Killer Memories
copy and paste this into 10 profiles and press f5 to refresh the page you will see a blue giftbox floating around your screen which has a katana
The Killer Memories Report | 05/25/2010 6:33 pm
The Killer Memories
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
copy this to 10 profiles so you can get 10,000,000g
Crafty Swine digs 6 9 Report | 04/06/2010 3:11 am
Crafty Swine digs 6 9
HeroinAbuse Report | 01/25/2010 11:19 am
Hello Rachel! Do me a favor. Change your wand to 120k. 50k is too cheap.
narutorocks96 Report | 12/22/2009 10:05 pm
neutral Well that's not something you hear
Bellus_Letium Report | 12/22/2009 6:39 pm


"Time is an abstract concept created by carbon-based life forms to monitor their ongoing decay"
-Mr Tubbs

"You're not under the influence of stars, baby"
-Mr. Learn
Give me awesome quotes?


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