
Most common info:
Current Location: virginia
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Dark brown
Height: 5'3
Weight: 140Lbs.
Piercings: ears
Tatoos: one on the middle right side of my back
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: none at the moment

Food: italian
Candy: twizzlers
lucky number: 7
Color: blue
Animal: tie between frog and panda

Hot Chocolate or Coffee: frappicino
Kiss or Hug: both
Dog or Cat: both
Rap or Punk: punk
Summer or Winter: summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: all movies
Love or Money: love

Ever Drank: yes
Ever Smoked: yes
Pot: never
Ever beaten someone up: yes but she started it so i finished it

Bedtime: when ever i'm a natural night owl
Best phyiscal feature: my eyes people get lost in them
First Thought Waking Up: i want to sleep. stupid work!
Fears: bees, hights
What country do you want to Visit: japan, china, ireland
Thunderstorms: as long as they're not too bad i like them
Get along with your Parents: somewhat
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: hardly ever
Been in Love: yes and it fell apart


I love to RP an hope to one day create a guild to do that.
I usually rp as a vampire named lynnet. She's kinda a lost soul who dosent remember much about her human life and has no idea who changed her or why. (i first created this character when i was in 8th grade an just liked her so much i keep her around)
(I have also short term Rp as a wizard on the harry potter forums, yes i like harry potter get over it, and as a couple of other characters in variouse RPs

~~Characters right now~~
Rose: age 22, she's a witch who is in the process of becoming afull fledge witch. She has a past of being a childhood friend of a lycan girl named lesi and she just reunited with her after being apart for quite a few years. Because of her training she had to leave friends and family to hone her magic skills. Now she dose jobs that require magical assistance. She has a mysteriouse past and dosen't reveal much about what she dose.


Viewing 10 of 10 friends






Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 08/10/2010 10:12 pm


thank you so much for the gift you sent me the other day wink
The Real Jaime

Report | 08/10/2010 12:09 am

The Real Jaime

why a random trade request?
Messenger Bag

Report | 08/09/2010 10:06 pm

Messenger Bag

Why are you sending me a trade?
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/16/2010 10:08 am

strawberry sapphic

Alrighty, see ya~
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/16/2010 9:59 am

strawberry sapphic

Maybe it happens at a certain time of day? D:
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/16/2010 9:53 am

strawberry sapphic

Yeah, just tried calling AND texting. Get your phone, girl!
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/07/2010 11:39 am

strawberry sapphic

Yeah~ :]
Well I have to leave soon, but quick random thing... xD http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv133/krissys_rp_stuff/strawberriishortcakeee2byFramboi-1.jpg
It's Lesi's kid! xD
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/07/2010 11:28 am

strawberry sapphic

Yeah, understandable... And you shouldn't have to keep repeating it to him. D:
Of course, there's always AJ if he eventually starts to take some interest in you. <3
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/07/2010 11:17 am

strawberry sapphic

You shouldn't feel too bad... I mean, you think he would've learned his lesson by now.
It's fairer to dump someone before they get too attached than to date them out of pity. Don't let him guilt trip you into anything, Bettie.
strawberry sapphic

Report | 02/07/2010 11:10 am

strawberry sapphic

Yeah, I can understand that... Are you still gonna try going on a date with him?


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