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I'm 18, I live in New York, I am a College student. I play Yu-Gi-Oh! The Trading Card Game almost religiously. I have friends, lots and lots of them. I play lots and lots of video games as well, but you can never beat the classics. I like music, I listen to a wide variety of genres. My favorite Band is split between The Beatles and/or Queen, they are both amazing. I'm also a movie fanatic, I love the comedy genera, but I'm also a big fan of sci-fi movies, like Star Wars, in fact George Lucas is one of my biggest idols as a Movie Producer, next to James Cameron. (I kinda sort of want to become a movie producer eventually.) What else is there? I'm not into politics, so don't try having a debate with me, because I'll simply ignore you. In conclusion, I'm a giant nerd... but what else is new?




Demison374's avatar

Gender: Male


Stalkers (I know who you are now!)

momo-ai13 on 02/09/2022

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