
Shinzura's avatar

Last Login: 06/24/2022 11:49 am

Registered: 03/25/2007

Gender: Male

Location: At my computer


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I'll be blunt. I speak my mind. So, if you've come here to say "dont sa my arena entry sux! U sux go f*** urself n00b!", suck it up. I'm a stickler for creativity. You know, that little thing in your head that says "HEY! This isn't boring! I should try and be original for once!"? That's what I like. Creativity is not "Lolz. This kix thos uther naruto entrys out on ther butz. im gona uze this item in2 a powr glo 4 Kitsune!", nor is it, "tis past winr iz simpl. ill just ad anuther itm and cash in!". That's laziness. If you come up with an original idea, such as, I don't know, a cosplay of something that ISN'T seen coming, do it. Don't leech off of other's creativity, and don't make hackneyed excuse for an avatar and beg for 10's. A few of the unoriginal ideas I've come across:

-Pokemon. There were a select few of genuinely creative people who came up with an idea of a Pokemon cosplay. They deserve to win. But after a while, it gets old. Don't try to duplicate a good idea. That's like inbreeding creativity

-Themed Item Duplicates. What I mean by this, is don't use that stupid mask to make a "V for Vendetta" avatar, don't use the Black Ops Gear to make a Solid Snake Avatar, and don't use a whip for Dr. Jones!

-One Item Wonders: Don't use one item to make your avatar. A guitar does NOT mean that your avatar is a rocker. A kunai and star do NOT mean you're some omnipotent ninja. And stop using transforming items to say "Frog", or "Bunny". It's just annoying

-Heaven: A lot of people have recently been winning by having a Radiant Prism on their head that covers the base, then loads a bunch of fluff on the back with pretty colors. It was original once. Now, it's not

-Humes. This includes my self-explanatory hatred for "JUST ME!" and "AWSUM GANGSTA!". This also includes cosplays of people who look BORING! It's not hard OR creative to make an avatar of Will Smith. And, here's looking at you, Twilards. A vampire skin does NOT make you Edward Cullen or his "Long Lost Sister" or something. It's just dumb

Long story short: If I flame your avatar, it probably needed to be flamed. GET OVER IT. If it's good enough, than one "2" or "1" won't make a difference. Don't blame me if your avatar sucks.


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Shinzura 101

Updates, notices, and stuff to read! As time goes on, I may add entertainment, such as stories, poems and other writing.



View All Comments

LayzLeMon Report | 04/14/2007 6:43 am
wow great profile! ur avi rox whee be seeing ya!
[ s e m p e r ] Report | 04/10/2007 8:08 am
Hey Shinzura
xXPrettyKLXx Report | 04/07/2007 12:16 pm
hi....remember me?
Corelia Report | 04/06/2007 2:37 pm
Thanks. ^_^
Le Emlie Report | 03/31/2007 8:59 am
Awww, my school did that one about 4 years ago.


[center:f89746ea9f]Today, 11/22, is my main's birthday.

Drop Him A Line?[/center:f89746ea9f]