My name is Stephanie, AKA Stephu. I like Animu like MOST of the other people on Gaia, and I would like to say that I don't obsess over it, but that is most likely false. I like drawing and writing even though I am not good at either, but still, I'm still young, so I've got time ;D I like playing video games and junk too, but if you really care, which no one but my friends who already know do, then just ask me :p My boyfriend is Joshua_aka_Sagaku and I love him A LOT
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I'm really bored...So I'll just write random crap in here! :D
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But my personality is like that when I'm with my sister. oTL
Now, I'm making two profiles for a Gen. 2 of my first RP. ^^
Annnd, how about you, Medi~?