
Oy oy oy! That how we say hello back in Mamaland!

To anyone who reads this: Don't look behind you. And also, the name's Devi, I'm a professional illustrator for various magazines. I study languages, currently I speak English, Swedish, Japanese (inlc. kana/kanji), Sapmì and Spanish fluently while I still study French, Hawaiian, Icelandic and Quechuan

I'm a HUGE fan (obsesser) of western animation, especially Hey Arnold!, Spongebob, PPG, KP et.c - you get the picture. I watch a lot of cartoons. I'm also a big fashionista and I love design and keeping up with the latest trends (patterned pantyhoses? so yes)

Latest obsession: Catscratch. Mr BlikxKatilda forever


I Think I Heard Something?

Did you hear something? If not, look away.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 04/20/2008 11:39 pm



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Knight 64

Report | 03/28/2008 12:55 pm

Knight 64

good looking profile

Report | 10/26/2007 2:37 pm


oO The Jukebox Hero Oo

Report | 10/23/2007 7:06 am

oO The Jukebox Hero Oo

Killer profile. Bumblebee is one of the most pimpest Transformers out there... other than Jazz, of course.

- P i N k Y c h -

Report | 10/22/2007 9:20 am

- P i N k Y c h -

love the avy! ^^

Report | 09/26/2007 12:27 pm


Probably eventually, yeah.

Report | 09/23/2007 7:03 am


This is what I sent to Carrie:

I can't come back anytime soon. First off, I want to wait until this whole thing blows over. Second off, I have school work that I really should be doing instead of blowing off my afternoons online so I can get a decent night's sleep.

I might come back for Thanksgiving or Christmas break. Or those weeks when school's out for no reason. Spring Break or whatever. Summer's hard to say. Well, like, probably, but I might find that it's best to just stay away.

I mean, I love the people in the forums, but I think I need some character adjustment before I start posting again.

Report | 09/19/2007 12:16 pm


Haha, I always thought you would do something to crush little kids' hopes and dreams in the palm of your hands.

...Say that three times in ten seconds! XD
Jako the Wolf

Report | 09/19/2007 11:24 am

Jako the Wolf


Report | 08/14/2007 1:41 pm


Heya, Zeit! It's Gwen from the forums! ^^...er, IDOJ forums anyway. :]

Your signature cracks me up man, but I can't get over how gorgeous you are.....have you considered modeling? XD


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This is me <3 Donations appreciated
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