
I is mule. My mule-ee:teh psycopunk.


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Report | 08/01/2009 7:44 am


Yes, yes. It's all in well.

Report | 07/28/2009 10:39 am


Yes it's fun.

Report | 07/11/2009 1:38 pm


I see, well ^^ Then that makes you unique.

Report | 06/28/2009 9:07 pm


You like the withdrawls? lol Not usually something someone would say. Usually they enjoy the falling into addiction before the withdrawls.

Report | 06/22/2009 7:44 am


"Oh yes, I do always feel better after spending a full day away from in. I would have to say it's my favorite drug. I am helplessly and happily addicted to it, but it's nice to remember what it's like without it." She sighs remembering the cruise. "I've never had withdrawls before... so I guess that's a good thing.", she says giggling to herself.

Report | 06/20/2009 7:27 pm


"Yes, that they are. I will have to make sure to try to keep active with it. I feel back. I need to cut back on some of the rps." She thinks. "I need to make a schedual. ... and get some sleep. Good night."

Report | 06/20/2009 1:48 pm


"I am the same way with my writings. I make an exception for rps. Most people aren't up for that." She shrugs her shoulders slightly, rolling her eyes. "But I have found someone that is quite good and I'm easing my way to letting them see the full extent of my writing. I just don't want to bore them, scare them off, or make them feel stupid." Sighing drops her shoulders. Her mouth twitches to the side slightly before saying, "Oh well, se lavi."

Report | 06/19/2009 5:35 am


"Anything I can really. Mostly I do fictional stroies, and poetry. I've been helping so people with auto-biographies, as well." Sighing she thinks before speaking, "It really doesn't bring in that much money. If only I could consintrate on my art more, I would beable to get that manga done. I'm sure it would make it big." She starts to pace the room as she talks, "I've let some of my close friends read different parts of various chapters and they always freak out when I wont let them read more. Addiction is one of the writers greatest tools for series." Remembering her maners, she looks back at you and smiles, "What do you write about?"

Report | 06/07/2009 6:43 pm


Yeah well if only we would have just let the major american car companies go under, then maybe the companies making alternitive fuel sorce cars would flurish. I wouldn't count on it, but it would be worth a try. What's the least that could happen? We not have as many cars in the us? [sarcasm]Oh no! That would be aweful![/sarcasm]

I read write and draw as well. I wish I would have more time/drive to read and draw more then I have lately. I've been mostly focused on writing. I'm having a lot of fun with it though, so I can't complain much.

Report | 06/07/2009 9:57 am


It is my favorite mask as well.
Yes mustangs are beautiful. Rob perfers Firebirds. I myself am inbetween the two. I find all cars beautiful in their own way. I do hate the impact they have created on the enviroment, though. It makes me want to cry. If there were more hydro stations out here I would buy a hydro car. I mean come on! A car that runs off of pressurized water?! Hell yeah. Run off? ... water. Sounds to good to be true. Why haven't they taken off? I can't understand it. Maybe I'll just by myself a water pressurizer and then I wont have to pay for any type of fuel. lol
I love math, it's what I did in my spare time. I know sounds odd. Most people don't like it, but numbers excite me. I was thinking about becoming a math teacher... but then I would have to deal with other people's math problems. lol I mean the problems they have with math. I wasn't so excited about that. Thank you.