
someting about me right?
okay. . . .
Political view: Anarchist, Vegan
Call me: Iina-Mona
Country: Finland
Age:17 year
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Dreanlocks
skin color: Almost white
Eyes color: gray/blue
Like/love: music, Music/Art and make it, Sleeping, Movies, Food, seitan, tofu, rice,Candy and Cookies...
Msn: Ask it if you want to know it wink


Viewing 12 of 23 friends


(>'')> *~~ SoMe StUfF~~* <(''<)

Please comment my journal&lt;3 I comment back&gt;.&lt;



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/12/2012 8:39 pm


miss you!!
flower guts

Report | 10/10/2010 3:50 am

flower guts

omg. We haven't talked in forever~
How are you???
flower guts

Report | 03/04/2010 4:26 am

flower guts

Sheeesh, you don't need to! >:c
We're friends~!
flower guts

Report | 02/10/2010 4:42 am

flower guts

It's almost your birthday and I haven't talked to you in forever!!! . o .;
Whad'you want me to buy you~ ? . u .
flower guts

Report | 08/18/2009 3:28 am

flower guts

How are you?
flower guts

Report | 02/27/2009 3:01 pm

flower guts

Yep, I believe in you. You alway find joy even with so much trials.

And don't be afraid to let out your bad feelings once in a while, it'll make you feel better, and it might actually get people to understand you.
flower guts

Report | 02/11/2009 9:39 pm

flower guts

Don't worry cameliina-san, you'll be able to get through it happy and alive!

Right now, meddy is sick too, with a fever, and he's always depressed, even without a clinical condition, but now, I've promized to myself to make others happy, because when I make them happy I can be happy too!

I believe in you cameliina-chan, you're one of my best friends too because you're very loyal, cheery, and kind-hearted, I'll continue to cheer you on, don't give up! ^ ^

No matter how confusing life is, you'll be able to achieve happiness because you have friends around, remember that many other people still care about you. :'D
flower guts

Report | 02/09/2009 4:09 am

flower guts

Happy happy birthday cameliina-chaaan! :3

Long time no talk!

Remember me, Meddy? :'D

Report | 01/02/2009 11:00 am


Se on ihan hyväkin että pelkäät mun avataria X w X

Sitä mä vähän epäilinkin Tikrusta aina, oi voi....

Report | 01/01/2009 5:11 am


Mwahhaahaa... >=D

Miten menee?